If you are using the auto-blocking mode for Cookiebot, we strongly advise not to load it asynchronously or defer it. This is because our auto-blocker will need to load before any other scripts that may be setting non-necessary cookies in order to block those scripts before they can set cookies.
If you switch to manual blocking mode, you can choose to defer the Cookiebot script or load it asynchronously directly in the Cookiebot WP plugin.
It is not possible to add the Cookiebot script directly in the footer via our WP plugin, but if you have access to your source code, you can copy your manual blocking-mode version script from your Cookiebot Manager (via ‘Settings’ –> ‘Your scripts’) and insert it where you want it to load.
This should not be done with the auto-blocking version of the script, as this will need to load as soon as possible on your website for the automatic blocking to work as intended.
With manual blocking-mode, you will need to manually mark up your cookie-setting website elements, following our manual implementation guide, found here: https://support.cookiebot.com/hc/en-us/articles/4405978132242-Manual-Markup-Guide.