The website is loading on my phone I checked.
There could be several reasons why your WordPress site is not loading on mobile phones. Some possible causes include:
- A plugin or theme conflict that is causing an issue with the mobile version of the site.
- A caching issue that is preventing the mobile version of the site from loading properly.
- Your hosting provider might be experiencing technical difficulties.
To troubleshoot the issue, you can try the following steps:
- Deactivate all plugins and switch to a default theme to see if the problem persists. If the site starts working, you can start reactivating your plugins and customizing your theme until you find the source of the problem.
- Clear your browser’s cache and cookies, then try loading the site again.
- Check your site on a different mobile device or network to see if the problem is specific to one device or network.
If none of these steps solve the problem, you can contact your hosting provider for further assistance or reach out to the theme developer for further support.