Insert page and Kadence Blocks
Hello there,
I am trying to insert one page into another (specifically in a popup). The page is created using the Kadence Blocks plugin, but it does not apply Kadence CSS styles or Javascript functions (for example galleries, or icons that are rendered to SVG)
How can I get the styles and functions that are needed?
Now I am sending the links and scripts files but it does not always work (works for galleries but for example, the icons are not shown, no render svg)
I put here my code, the call to shorcode “insert page” is done from my theme file php on the functions.php:
//Reference: add_action( "wp_ajax_my_action", "my_action" ) function my_action() { if (wp_verify_nonce($_POST['_wpnonce'], 'wp_rest')) { $id = url_to_postid($_POST['id']); $links = ''; $scripts = ''; if(has_block('kadence/iconlist', $id)) { $links .= '<link rel="stylesheet" id="kadence-blocks-iconlist-css" href="' . KADENCE_BLOCKS_URL . 'dist/style-blocks-iconlist.css?ver=' . KADENCE_BLOCKS_VERSION . '" media="all">'; } $array_of_vals = array( "content" => do_shortcode("[insert page='" . $id . "' display='content']") , "id" => $id, "scripts" => $scripts, "links" => $links ); wp_send_json($array_of_vals); exit; } else { echo 'Check failed · Nonce'; exit; } }
And call the function with jQuery, to add the html content in popup:
var modalContent=$("#modal-content-popup"); $.ajax( { method : 'POST', dataType : 'json', url : my_var.ajaxurl, data : { id: post_link, _wpnonce : my_var.nonce, action : 'my_action' } }) .done( function(data) { modalContent.html(data.content); modalContent.append(data.links); modalContent.append(data.scripts); } );
Thank you very much in advance, I hope you can help me with this doubt.
Best regards,
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