Wrong password: human or system error?
Good day. I have a web that currently has several thousands of users who are registered via UM. Typically, each day about 10% of users change their passwords due to inability to login.
Considering there’s no extra security plugin (currently disabled and deleted for testing purposes), no web-side caching, no server-side caching for login/registration pages, and having original “password” field in the registration form, as well as disabled AJAX for the login form, I was wondering if there is a way how I could log more detailed information on why some users failing to login (and thus are forced to change passwords).
I also use WP Activity log, but all I see there is that user X failed to login Y times and then decided to change password. Some users fail to login even after the password change.
Basically, the question is if there’s a way to know if a failed login is a human error (a user is unable to type one’s password correctly) or it is a system error (e.g., the password wasn’t sent to server, wrong password entry was sent to the server, the server rejected/couldn’t verify the received password)?
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