• Hello, we updated today to this version 2.1.12 – April 20, 2023

    Customers can no longer pay at least with Twint which is unacceptable. Do you test your plugins before releasing?

    Maybe it was my mistake to update it… How to obtain an older, stable version?

    Thank you

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  • Thread Starter ljshopch


    Just tried with PostFinance card method. Also doesn’t work. We just disabled the plugin and no longer accept the PostFinance Checkout payment methods.

    Plugin Author partnerpfco



    We apologize for the inconvenience. The problem should be resolved. Can you confirm that?

    Best regards

    Thread Starter ljshopch


    Hello, what do you mean by resolved? I don’t have any visible update on the woocommerce side.

    Best regards

    Hi, i have a error with twint it’s say : “An error occured during the initialization of the payment lightbox.”

    Plugin Author partnerpfco


    Hi @johannluthi

    Could you please contact our support ([email protected]) and share account and transaction details?

    Best regards

    I just updated at a customer site, tested a payment by Twint, and…
    Order went through without ever showing a Twint-page, ended up on the order confirmation page.
    The order is in state “payment pending”, but the PF-plugin-status says “Transaction: confirmed”.
    That probably shouldn’t happen.

    However I also have an annoying notice on top of the page:
    “A version of the PostFinanceCheckout plugin is yet to be released for this version of WooCommerce.”

    So is that a (known) issue with WooCommerce 7.6.0?

    Thread Starter ljshopch


    We are having the same issue mentioned by @ophion1291

    When is this expected to be solved? We can’t continue to have our store like this. PostFinance isn’t answering… Here communication is also pretty bad. Are we expected to find a new solution?

    Please reply.


    Dans la console j’ai cette erreur qui appara?t : Le cookie ??wc_postfinancecheckout_device_id?? n’a pas de valeur d’attribut ??SameSite?? appropriée. Bient?t, les cookies dont l’attribut ??SameSite?? est manquant ou défini avec une valeur invalide seront traités comme ??Lax??. Cela signifie que le cookie ne sera plus envoyé dans des contextes tiers. Si votre application dépend de la disponibilité de ce cookie dans de tels contextes, veuillez lui ajouter l’attribut ??SameSite=None??. Pour en savoir plus sur l’attribut ??SameSite??, consultez https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Set-Cookie/SameSite



    Hallo. Was ist das wieder für ein Scheiss Update 2.1.12! Funktioniert nicht mit Woocomerce Version 7.6.0. ( Leider zu sp?t gesehen ) Das alte Woocomerce Woocommerce 7.5.1 einspielen bringt nichts. TWINT fehler etc. Nur diese L?sung funktioniert https://downloads.www.ads-software.com/plugin/woo-postfinance-checkout.2.1.11.zip wieder einspielen. Getest I.O Alles andere geht nicht.

    lol : PostFinance CheckoutVous utilisez la version 2.1.11. Mettez à jour vers la version 2.1.12.?Afficher les détails de la version 2.1.12.
    Compatibilité avec WordPress 6.2?: 100% (selon l’auteur ou l’autrice)

    @mycoffeeshop you save my day ! thanks ! I just installed the ?https://downloads.www.ads-software.com/plugin/woo-postfinance-checkout.2.1.11.zip? and all work fine again !

    Thread Starter ljshopch


    @johannluthi I tried that and did not work. It says that the version shared by @mycoffeeshop isn’t compatible with the Woocommerce version. When activating I get an error. So still waiting for PostFinance to do something… This is really frustrating…



    I have contacted Postfinance, but no solution available. Do not update the new version 2.1.12 Do not Rollback the Woocommerce version to 6.5.1. ! Only back PostFinance Checkout 2.1.11 ! Done

    Thread Starter ljshopch



    Woocommerce 7.6

    WordPress 6.2

    PostFinance 2.1.11

    It doesn’t work… The sadest thing is that they don’t even comment here…

    @ljshopch ?? i have also woocommerce : Version 7.6.0, Woocommerce : 6.2 and i put the integration mode at lightbox

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