Good morning. Here is the shortcode (I will try to go back and edit if those shortcodes don’t format correctly here):
[wordpress_file_upload uploadpath="plugins/s2member-files/" uploadrole="editor,administrator" forcefilename="true" askforsubfolders="true" subfoldertree="auto" adminmessages="true" debugmode="true" placements="title/selectbutton/filename/subfolders/uploadbutton/userdata/message" uploadtitle="Upload Files (only visible to Admins & Editors):" selectbutton="Select File…" uploadbutton="Upload" subfolderlabel="Select Folder:" successmessage="File %filename% uploaded successfully. RELOAD to view." widths="filename:300px"]
And when it fails, the detailed error is:
Upload failed!
Not allowed to upload to target folder. Failed upload path: /home/REDACTED/REDACTED/wp-content/plugins/s2member-files/Documents/test.pdf
That is the correct path. I ended up altering the shortcode to this, which works:
[wordpress_file_upload uploadpath="uploads/s2member-files/" uploadrole="editor,administrator" forcefilename="true" askforsubfolders="true" subfoldertree="auto" adminmessages="true" debugmode="true" placements="title/selectbutton/filename/subfolders/uploadbutton/userdata/message" uploadtitle="Upload Files (only visible to Admins & Editors):" selectbutton="Select File…" uploadbutton="Upload" subfolderlabel="Select Folder:" successmessage="File %filename% uploaded successfully. RELOAD to view." widths="filename:300px"]
The drawback is that I had to apply another function to move the file location in s2member. I have WFU writing to plugins/s2member-files in another (older) wordpress installation, so I’m just not sure why it doesn’t work here. No errors in the server logs either.