Listings expired after 1 day
Hi, very strange but my 4 manually created listings expired after one day.
Expire date is set to 30 july 2023.
What can cause this and what can I do to trouble shoot this?
Still happened after publishing them again.
I have had problems with the date input. It has been different input format to make it work between expires and end of listing. One I could choose from the calender that pops up, the other value I had to rewrite manually to make it work. But now I can choose date with the pop up calender. However the listings is closed after 1 day…
More info: the expire date is not showing correct value in admin job listings compared to what is set in the jobs. However the set value is shown on the single job edit page and in a rss feed I have. Very strange.
Hmm–in Settings > Job Submission for the plugin, do you have the Listing Duration set for longer than one day?
@hastibe thanks for your replies and help. I leave that field empty to have it unlimited/set by the job it self.
I should add it seems to only be my featured job ads that are expired after one day (or what seems at night). Its third day in a row. The jobs that I import from another company is active without any issues it seems.
I have made a short video to show the weird thing with the dates since its hard to describe in text:
From looking at your video, it looks like you have two expiration dates (I’m not proficient in the language you site is set to in your video) for the job listing?
Is one the default job listing expiration date from WP Job Manager core and then the other the closing date added by the Application Deadline premium add-on plugin?
If so, do you have the “automatic deadline expiry” (“enable this option to automatically expire jobs when the application closing dates pass”) setting checked in Settings > Job Listings for the WP Job Manager plugin?
If you do have that setting checked, the default job listing expiration date from WP Job Manger core will change to match the date set in the closing date field by the Application Deadline plugin–is that causing the problem?
One value is for “last application date” and one value is for “expire date for job add”. So yes, two dates ??
I have that setting enabled.
I should repeat that its only these manually added jobs that are featured that are expired each night. I have prepared a test and added a different date format for last application date. Because this has been a problem before that I could not use the pop up calender because that date format was not valid. Its a fun experiment until midnight when it seems to happen.
I have to use two different date formats:
Expire date: 4 juni 2023 (I pick it from the calender)
Last application date: 2023-06-04 (has to manually write it like that otherwise it does not work)
I sat up until 00:00 and all four ads kept open.
However now at 07:00 I have two thats expired and two thats still open. (they should all be open given the dates)
I have no clue what is happening and what to look for.
EDIT: it still shows the wrong date value in the admin panel for job listings that is not the same that is set within the single jobs.
I had some issues like this (different than yours, though, I think? Caused by my site’s time zone in Settings > General in the WordPress admin and an outdated version of the Application Deadline add-on for WP Job Manager), and I found the free WP Crontrol plugin to be really helpful for diagnosing (and adjusting the) cron events that were triggering jobs to expire or not expire, so that would be my next suggestion.
I also wonder if the date format of your site could be causing issues? (No idea, hopefully someone else can chime in here with more ideas.)
@hastibe thanks for this. It seems it could be the date format (somehow) that effects this. I manually changed the last application dates to that other format and now they are still online. So perhaps something to do with that.
Not sure what I would do/look for with that plugin but thanks for the tip.
Also if I should change my date format for WP let me know I can perhaps try that also. But I have not changed the standard date settings in WP admin. However I have Myles addon plugins that seems to have date settings and perhaps can cause a conflict? Not sure.
But strange that WPJM and there own addons for application would conflict with their date handling. Perhaps someone that works on WPJM project can look in to the date formats between the plugins?
Hi @flamuren,
I am sorry to hear about the troubles you are facing. I have read all the thread and I appreciate you for providing such detailed information about your issue and trying different troubleshooting methods. Also, thanks @hastibe for trying to help.
@flamuren you mentioned that you want to use WP Control to troubleshoot, but not sure how to proceed. If you are still open to give it a try, here are the steps I’d recommend taking:
- Install WP Crontrol plugin: Go to WordPress dashboard > Plugins > Add New, then search for, install, and activate “WP Crontrol”.
- Check Cron Events: In your dashboard, go to Tools > Cron Events to see all scheduled tasks.
- Identify WP Job Manager tasks: Look for tasks related to WP Job Manager or Application Deadline. They might not be explicitly named, but could be linked to job listings or expiration dates.
- Inspect and Modify tasks: If you identify a suspicious task (like one set to run daily and matches your issue), click “Edit” to inspect its details. Change its frequency or next run time with caution.
- Test Changes: Monitor your job listings for early expiration after making changes. Don’t forget to clear your site and browser cache before testing.
Hope this helps, but please keep us posted on the outcome so we can assist further.
Thank you!
Hello @flamuren,
Do you have updates about that? We usually close inactive threads after one week of no movement, but we want to make sure we’re all set before marking it as solved. Thanks!
Its not working as it should no. But if I manually write the date in another format (for last application date) it works.
Hi @flamuren,
I’ve followed your steps and tried to recreate the issue on my end:
- I manually created a job listing, setting its expiration date to a future date using the calendar pick-up.
- I created another job listing manually, and this time I manually entered the expiration date in a different format.
In both cases, the listings did not expire before the date I had initially set.
If there are additional steps or specific details you think I may have overlooked in my attempt to replicate the issue, please share them with me.
@alinclamba please note I have all the WPJM core plugins. This means the resume, deadline plugins.
I set one date for expire and one date for end of applications. Its the match between these two dates that is not working as it seems – on my website atleast. People I have asked does not use all the core plugins so I have not been able to ask if any other website has this working.
Hi @flamuren
Per community guidelines, we are not allowed to support premium plugins (paid add-ons) in these forums.
Please use this form to get support for our paid add-ons:
I’m going to mark this thread as resolved and we’ll help over email.
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