• Hi,

    I would like to explain a situation I am having with wordpress.

    When I upload an image for example of 1MB I use some plugin to scale it to get lower size image. And scaled is 50kB.

    When I go to the blog post that uses that image I see it is using original image instead of scaled.

    So, when I go to upload folder of the wordpress I cannot remove original image because it will be removed from the blog post.

    This way I have two images where I would need only scaled one. If I could remove original one I could lower disc usage on the hosting.

    Could someone explain to me what is the logic behind original image and scaled images using inside blog post so I can think a way how to lower disc usage?

    I am asking because if I have 100 000 images and they are duplicated (original and scaled) then I am increasing disc usage.


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  • That should be the work of the plugin you used to optimize or “scale” the images.

    From my experience, these plugins typically have the option to remove the original image after their optimization.

    Which plugin are you using?

    Thread Starter fg43085


    I need to check does it have option to remove original image. I will make a test.

    I am using smush pro and I have wp optimize.

    WP-Optimize has a feature to back up original images (the default setting is ON). It also has a feature to delete all such original backups. But these are only relevant if you’re using this plugin’s image optimization feature.

    Support for WP-Optimize plugin: https://www.ads-software.com/support/plugin/wp-optimize/

    The Smush plugin also has a feature to back up original images. From my test, this was turned OFF by default… but I can’t say if it’s ON or OFF in your installation.

    Since you’re using Smush PRO (a commercial product), you’ll need to reach out to the vendor directly for help, as commercial products are not supported here.

    Finally, there are a couple of plugins that claim to clean up media assets, including:

    Media Cleaner: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/media-cleaner/
    Media Deduper: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/media-deduper/
    Image Cleanup (old but still worked in my test): https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/image-cleanup/

    NB: Please note that I have no personal experience using any of these plugins other than a 5-minute test while writing this response: use at your own risk!

    Thread Starter fg43085


    The status is that there is no option to remove original images.

    There is an option to connect with over FTP and remove additional images that are not used.

    By that I mean thumnails with different dimensions.

    The solution is to check what thumbnails your theme creates when you upload images. Then the theme uses some of these thumbnails and some of them do not use.

    Remove those that you are not using.

    Use resize plugin that will resize images that are left. And by doing that you will decrease the disk usage size.

    I have found that my theme was creating around 8 images and wordpress has created several images. I have ended up with 14 images created automatically which would increase the disck usaze easily by several GB.

    I had over 40GB disc usage this way only for one wordpress site. Now I am in process of removing additioanal images and I expect to reduce the disck usage /10. So, from 40GB to 4GB.

    If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment and I will explain what is have used as a solution and how.

    For now this is what i have used:

    Installed smushpro plugin

    deactivated wordpress from creting additional thumbnails images – use plugin Disable Media Sizes

    upload an image into blog post

    use smuhspro to resize uploaded image to reduce the disck usage

    • the theme thumbnails is different from theme to theme. So you need to check with theme support how to deactivated automatically thumnail creation. But, also check which thumbnails are important. If you can you can make test on your own.
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