• Resolved rando390


    I just updated to the most recent version of the Code Snippets plugin, and every now and then my snippet is failing and throwing this error in the debug log

    [19-May-2023 17:35:04 UTC] PHP Warning: Undefined array key "query" in /…/wp-content/plugins/code-snippets/php/snippet-ops.php on line 623

    Is it possible that I’m doing something or is it a known bug in the latest version?

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  • Hi?@rando390 we where reading you before updating the plugin on our website and now we shall wait untill developers check your feedback, untill then, we can recommend you wordpress plugin:?WP Rollback, so you can move back to previuos version, it works like charm.

    Hopefully they check this for all of us and let us know if we can update of in they need to fix something on plugin before updating.


    Plugin Author Shea Bunge


    Thank you for reporting this @rando390. I’ve tracked down the cause of the bug, and will be releasing a patch for it momentarily.

    Plugin Author Shea Bunge


    Just following up on this – the issue reported should be fixed in version 2.4.1. Thanks again for bringing it to our attention!

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