Thank you George for your explanation. I appreciate your help
Godaddy claimed that the site contained viruses. I called them saying that after many scans and tests, I could not find evidence of contaminated files. . They did some tests and confirmed that it was a false positive. They lifted the suspension ultimatum.
I may have wrongly assummed that they were stating it that the issue is related to being able to access/read code in these files. I am not an expert in these things.
In the meantime I found a way(code in htaccess) to hide the code in Javascript files on the browser. Should I keep it or remove it? If it is normal being able to read code in javascript in the browser via a URL it makes sense to remove it. Right?
This is what godaddy wrote:
Your services for are at risk of being suspended.
Your domain name was found to contain viruses or content that violates our Universal Terms of Service.Due to the serious nature of this issue, you have 72 hours to take action. If any viruses or content that violates our Universal Terms of Service remains on your site after that time, it may become necessary to suspend our services.If you require assistance with this, please see the following instructions.To get you started, we have provided an example of the content accessible at the following location:wp-content/plugins/pixfort-core/dist/options/166.bundle.jsTo prevent future compromise, we recommend you:
? Reset all account passwords, e.g. FTP, applications, and databases
? Ensure your computers are free of viruses, trojans, key loggers, and other malware
? Keep up to date on all web applications, e.g. WordPress, Joomla, etc
? Keep up to date on all themes, plugins, and extensions
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact customer support using the help link once you have logged into your account.