• Dear All,

    I am trying to translate a specific line of a plugin frontend. However, for the last few days, no matter how hard I looked for it in every single file, I could not find the phrase “Under Review” in any file. Could it be in the database tables? How can I find it? The plugin inserts the phrase according to the code below:

    case 'status':
    	$status = get_post_meta($id, 'status', true);
    	echo str_replace(' ', ' ', ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $status)));

    $status calls the phrase “Under Review” from somewhere. However, I could not find where it calls from. Is there a way to find it?

    Thank you very much in advance….

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  • While I dont know PHP code, something I do in your case is using this plugin: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/string-locator/

    And then see when I find the string, the text domain is added and use something like https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/loco-translate/ to translate it then.

    Also, since I am a GTE for nl_BE locale here… I almost always inform the dev about it so in future updates everybody can translate the string.

    Thread Starter aedemirci


    Thank you Pieterjan. I will give it a try….

    Thread Starter aedemirci


    Unfortunately, it did not work. I can manually change the status of the paper and modify the sentence as I wish. But, whenever I change the status of the paper from admin panel (not manually), it shows the status in English again. The problem is that I could not find the phrase “Under Review” anywhere. Neither in the plugin files, nor in the database….

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by aedemirci.
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