Hello @agencesymphony
I can only respond in English, but you can respond to me in your language and I’ll read your messages using Google Translate, I hope that’s okay. ??
I’d ?suggest ?checking if ?you ?have ?any? security ?plugins ?activated that? might? be? blocking? our requests.? If ?not, ?try ?contacting ?your ?hosting ?provider ?and ?asking ?them? to ?check? their ?security ?logs ?to ?see ?if ?they ?are ?blocking? or ?otherwise ?limiting ?incoming ?and ?outgoing? connections ?over ?XML-RPC.? Right now we get a 429
error after trying to access the file more than four times.
Jetpack? uses? this ?file ?to? communicate ?with ?your ?site, ?but ?some ?hosts ?block? connection ?requests ?to ?that ?file.
Our? requests ?look ?like ?the ?following:
- ?File:? ?http-//your-site.com/xmlrpc.php?
-? User-agent?header:? Jetpack ?by ?WordPress.com
-? IPs: ?https://jetpack.com/support/how-to-add-jetpack-ips-allowlist/
Please ?ask ?them? to ?allowlist ?the ?IP ?addresses? listed? above. ?Note? that ?these ?IP ?addresses ?could? change ?(or ?more ?could ?be? added)? at ?any ?time,? which? could? break? your? connection ?to ?Jetpack. ?For ?this? reason, ?we ?actually ?discourage ?allowing ?specific ?IPs, ?although ?with? some? hosts ?it ?may ?be ?the? only ?option.
Let ?us ?know ?how? that ?goes.