• hi guys,

    used your plugin on many pages. this never happened before: as soon as i activate the plugin the whole website goes blank, on any page. the last html markup in source is

    <a class=”screen-reader-shortcut” href=”https://www.porto-sailing.de/wp-login.php?action=logout&_wpnonce=2f0dc720d8“>Log Out</a>

    and then nothing. i tried deactivating all other plugins. tried all config options in the plugins settings. pretty sure it’s the custom theme, based on underscores. but even when i activate debug mode in wordpress: nothing at all.

    i really need full page scan. wordpress filters is working, but not encoding the footer emails.

    btw: the same thing happen with any other 4 plugins on the same code base.

    jquery and jquery migrate are beeing loaded in footer.php at the end. many other js as well. could that be the reason?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Ironikus


    Hey @ffwebdesigner – Thanks for sharing this. Did you manage to look into the debug.log file of your WordPress website? There you should find more details about the error, which helps me to look into it further.


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