• Resolved 0rca


    I’ve created a post type “Orderlist” and assigned a custom taxonomy “Objectrights” to it. I extended users with a relationship field to “Objectrights”.

    A user can have several “Objectrights”, an “Orderlist” has only one “Objectright”.

    I am now trying to list all “Orderlists” that have the same “Objectrights” as the currently logged in user.

    This is almost working like this:

    [pods name=”orderlist” where=”objectrights.term_id = {@user.objektrights}” template=”Orderlist”]

    The problem is, it will only list the first occurrence. For example the user has the objectrights 1, 2 and 3 and 3 Orderlists each have one of those objectrights assigned. I would expect the shortcode to list all three, but it only shows the first one (whatever objectright I have sorted to the top in the users profile). I have also tried:

    [pods name=”orderlist” where=”objectrights.term_id IN ({@user.objektrights})” template=”Orderlist”]

    with the same result ??

    Can aynone point me in the right direction? Or is it impossible?

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  • Plugin Author Jory Hogeveen


    Hi @0rca

    You are actually quite close with the IN statement, however, the ID’s are probably not rendered correctly.

    You’ll need a helper function to convert the relationship field to a list of IDs.

    function rel_to_ids( $value ) {
        if ( is_array( $value ) && isset( $value[0]['term_id'] ) ) {
            $ids = wp_list_pluck( $value, 'term_id' );
        return implode( ',', $ids );

    You can then use it within your shortcode like so: {@user.objektrights,rel_to_ids}.

    Also validate the actual query, you can use a plugin like Query Monitor to see the queries that are made.

    Cheers, Jory

    Thread Starter 0rca


    Hi Jory,

    thank you so much for your help. I guessed something like this, but my coding abilities are extremely basic. I have added the script and changed the shortcode, but get this error (and no output) now:

    You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ') ) AND ( 't'.'post_type' = 'orderliste' ) AND ( 't'.'post_status' IN ( 'publ...' at line 17

    This is the query:

    FROM 'wphc_posts' AS 't'
    LEFT JOIN 'wphc_term_relationships' AS 'rel_objektrechte'
    ON 'rel_objektrechte'.'object_id' = 't'.'ID'
    LEFT JOIN 'wphc_term_taxonomy' AS 'rel_tt_objektrechte'
    ON 'rel_tt_objektrechte'.'taxonomy' = 'objektrechte'
    AND 'rel_tt_objektrechte'.'term_taxonomy_id' = 'rel_objektrechte'.'term_taxonomy_id'
    LEFT JOIN 'wphc_terms' AS 'objektrechte'
    ON 'objektrechte'.'term_id' = 'rel_tt_objektrechte'.'term_id'
    WHERE ( ( 'objektrechte'.'term_id' IN () )
    AND ( 't'.'post_type' = 'orderliste' )
    AND ( 't'.'post_status' IN ( 'publish' ) ) )
    ORDER BY 't'.'menu_order', 't'.'post_title', 't'.'post_date'
    LIMIT 0, 15

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by 0rca.
    Thread Starter 0rca


    Damn, the code block keeps stripping the quotation marks ??

    Edit: I replaced them, now it works.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by 0rca.
    Plugin Author Jory Hogeveen


    Hi @0rca

    The returned value is empty so that would be your error, however, I’m wondering why it’s empty.
    You could use some debug options in the function I’ve send you to display the actual value, like var_dump($value).
    Or you could return 0 as the default value in case the current user doesn’t have any metadata set.

    Cheers, Jory

    Thread Starter 0rca


    In order to test the function I just did [pods name=”user” template=”Users”] and this template

    Name {@user.display_name}
    Objectrights {@user.objektrechte}
    Function {@user.objektrechte,rel_to_ids}

    But I get the result 5 times:

    Name Michael
    Objectrights 336
    Name Michael
    Objectrights 336
    Name Michael
    Objectrights 336
    Name Michael
    Objectrights 336
    Name Michael
    Objectrights 336

    Either this is unrelated and I simply don’t get it or @user is not unique?

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by 0rca.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by 0rca.
    Plugin Support Paul Clark


    [pods name="user" template="Users"] will query all users.

    To restrict to the current user, use:

    [pods name="user" id="{@user.ID} template="Users"]

    …with define( 'PODS_SHORTCODE_ALLOW_EVALUATE_TAGS', true ); set in wp-config.php.

    Thread Starter 0rca


    Hi Paul,

    so the shortcode will query all existing 5 users, but output only the values of the curent user for each? Or why the 5 outputs?

    To me this sounds similar to my still existing problem, i.e. that


    does not output anything, maybe because @user is not really defined?

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by 0rca.
    Plugin Support Paul Clark


    [pods name="user" template="Users"] is a generic query for all users without any restriction. It will query all users and loop through the template for each found user.

    [pods name="user" id="{@user.ID}" template="Users"] is the same query, but filtered to the current user. If it doesn’t work, [pods name="user" where="ID = {@user.ID}" template="Users"] may be more reliable and clear as to what is happening. (I had trouble with the first format earlier today). For either of those syntaxes to work, define( 'PODS_SHORTCODE_ALLOW_EVALUATE_TAGS', true ); must be set in wp-config.php.

    Within the template, the queried user is already being iterated, so the magic tag would be {@objektrights,rel_to_ids}, not {@user.objektrights,rel_to_ids}.

    Likewise, the full template should be:

    Name {@display_name}
    Objectrights {@objektrechte}
    Function {@objektrechte,rel_to_ids}

    …as {@user} always refers to the currently logged-in user. So it should be used in the shortcode to specify the where attribute, not in the template. By leaving the shortcode unspecified, then using {@user.[whatever]} within the template, it causes every user to be iterated in a loop, but the outputted variables to be related only to the logged-in user.

    So, in summary, the correct shortcode is [pods name="user" where="ID = {@user.ID}" template="Users"] and the correct template is above.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Paul Clark.
    Thread Starter 0rca


    Hi Paul, sorry for the confusion, but I was mixing my OT question with the [pods name="user" template="Users"] thing.

    My orignal problem was [pods name=”orderlist” where=”objectrights.term_id IN ({@user.objektrights})” template=”Orderlist”] not working and Jory suggested a function to convert the array of values. But so far this still doesn’t work. But here @user is not in the context of the “User” pods, but the “Orderlist” pods. hence the {@user.objektrights,rel_to_ids}

    While trying to figure out why, I tested [pods name="user" template="Users"] and this actually outputs this:

    Name Michael
    Objectrights 336
    Name Michael
    Objectrights 336
    Name Michael
    Objectrights 336
    Name Michael
    Objectrights 336
    Name Michael
    Objectrights 336

    So something is not working as expected, it should list all 5 users, not just mine 5 times, right? I don’t really need [pods name=”user” template=”Users”] to work, I was just testing something and it turned out completely unexpected. And I have no clue if my OT problem and this one are related, my grasp of these things is limited at best. So any help is much appreciated, even more so for the OT. The other thing I am just curious about.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by 0rca.
    Thread Starter 0rca


    Just saw your edit and now I get it, the template of my test was wrong – sorry I missed that.

    I have updated the template and it works as expect now. Sorry for being a bit slow…

    Now that I see {@objektrechte,rel_to_ids} working correctly. I only have to find out, why it wouldn’t work in my OT context.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by 0rca.
    Plugin Support Paul Clark


    As Jory noted, it appears in the SQL you shared that the value passed to IN() is empty. This would occur if nothing has been saved to the field, or if the field comes through as a single term array instead of an array containing array(s).

    [pods name="orderlist" where="objectrights.term_id IN ( {@user.objektrights,rel_to_ids} )" template="Orderlist"]

    This version of the function is a bit pedantic, but should account for all cases of what could possibly be passed to $value:

    function rel_to_ids( $value ) {
    	if ( is_array( $value ) && is_array( $value[0] ) && isset( $value[0]['term_id'] ) ) {
    		return implode( ',', wp_list_pluck( $value, 'term_id' ) );
    	}elseif ( is_array( $value ) && isset( $value['term_id'] ) ) {
    		return $value['term_id'];
    	return 0;
    Plugin Support Paul Clark


    Just updated the function above to end with return 0; instead of return '';, realizing that you reported a SQL error for IN().

    IN() can’t be blank, so the appropriate behavior is to pass integer 0, which will never exist as a term_id. This will cause the where query of IN( 0 ) to find nothing, but still be valid SQL. In this case, the template will not display if no term is assigned.

    The elseif is a guess, and may not be necessary. I suspect magic tags might return [ 'term_id' => 123, etc... ] (a single array) instead of [ [ 'term_id' => 123, etc... ] ] (an array containing a single array) if only one term is set.

    Thread Starter 0rca


    Hi Paul, thank you for taking the time to help me. What I failed to mention before was the result of my updated/corrected test. With the correct template

    Name {@display_name}
    Objectrights {@objektrechte}
    Function {@objektrechte,rel_to_ids}

    it outputs 5 users, and my user is listed like this:

    Name Michael
    Function 336,337,338,340

    That means the function works and the array is correctly converted. I.e.


    lists all values (336,337,338,340).

    That means on the other hand, that my shortcode is not working:

    [pods name="orderlist" where="objectrights.term_id IN ( {@user.objektrights,rel_to_ids} )" template="Orderlist"]

    Do you have any idea what could be going wrong?

    Plugin Support Paul Clark


    The name of the field you’ve assigned to the user is objektrechte but in the where query you’ve written objectrights.term_id IN ( {@user.objektrights,rel_to_ids} ) instead of objectrights.term_id IN ( {@user.objektrechte,rel_to_ids} )

    The taxonomy name is objectrights.
    The user relationship field is objektrechte.

    Thread Starter 0rca


    Another one of my earlier mistakes, in my OT I partly translated some expressions, thinking it might be clearer. Dumb idea in retrospect…

    This is the real non-working shortcode

    [pods name="orderliste" where="objektrechte.term_id IN ({@user.objektrechte,rel_to_ids})" template="Orderlisten"]



    works as expected and since

    [pods name="orderliste" where="objektrechte.term_id IN ({@user.objektrechte})" template="Orderlisten"]

    outputs the first value of the array, there must be something else wrong with the expression.

    Thank you for your patience with me and my misstatements.

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