• Hey, my WordPress.com Stats were working 100% fine up until I deleted my cookies on my computer. Now I am able to log into my WordPress.com account, and my domain account HOWEVER when I click on my Dashboard or on the Stats button in my sidebar menu of my WP-Admin page it asks me to re-enter my username and password. I tried with the user and pass of both my domain account and the wp.com account and neither work.

    when i try resetting my password on wp.com it sends me back to the empty login page of my blog as if i was never logged in.

    can someone help me out? i deleted my cookies again after hoping it would do something but the same problem exists.


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  • I cannot login either and I didn’t delete anything.

    Thread Starter Sandro_Bit


    i’m able to login to the stats via my blackberry app so I know it’s working

    Me too, can’t log in. Is the server down?

    Thread Starter Sandro_Bit


    Check out this screenshot of my dashboard and you’ll see how the stats table is broken.


    I am having the same exact issue

    Hey, I’m having the exact same problem. I cleared my history (which I do all the time and never had this issue before) and now the stats section of my dashboard displays the WP log-in box and nothing I enter there works.

    I wonder if this is a bigger problem with the plug-in since a few of us are having this issue.

    I considered deleting and reinstalling the plug-in, but I don’t know if that wipes out the stats saved so far.

    The same on my blog.
    So it`s probable bigger and global problem :/

    Thread Starter Sandro_Bit


    the mobile phone wordpress.com login is working correctly so i know it’s working, i think it has to be the plugin that’s broken or something…

    i cleared history, cleared cookies, cleared temp files, tried multiple browsers, rebooted, repaired database, optimized database, reinstalled plugin still cant use it….

    I’ve got the same problem. I never changed anythign on the blog. Suddenly it just staretd to happen. Can’t think of anything to do to change it. I tried reinstalling the plug-in. It had no effect.
    I’m thinking of switching to Google for stats. It’s the only way out I can think of.

    Thread Starter Sandro_Bit


    https://dashboard.wordpress.com/wp-admin/index.php is redirecting to my own server’s login page for some reason…

    Same issue, mine was working then not.

    It redirects me to my WP.com sites not my .org

    Also, from my Blackberry it is not working either

    Same problem here. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling plug-in, tried different browsers, etc., still keeps asking for credentials.

    This is all happening all at once to everyone. I’m guessing that this is a problem of the server that serves these stats up. I think it is broken in some way. Therefore, I guess, we’ll just have to wait and see…

    Same problem here, looks like there are a couple threads in the support forum. Guess wait for wordpress to fix this.

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