If you want to sort the products by pricing then you have to add some custom code on this path: https://prnt.sc/kjmhyFkrMy3Y.
Path URL: wp-content\plugins\wp-cafe\utils\wpc-utilities.php on line: 561
Just remove the line: $args[‘orderby’] = ‘date’;
And add these two lines:
$args[‘orderby’] = ‘meta_value_num’;
$args[‘meta_key’] = ‘_price’;
I hope it will sort all the products on our menu widgets price-wise. You can change the order to ASC DESC from the widgets option: https://prnt.sc/zLEvEPQL5pSc
N.B Remind yourself that after every update, you have to change the code as the update overrides the old code.
I hope you can understand.
Thanks for being with us. Good day!
Best Regards