upload the image you want to use for each post.
On the edit post page create a custom field named feature_thumbnail
The value is the url of the uploaded image.
Create a category just for the posts you want featured on the slider. Once you create it, click edit. In your browser address bar you will see https://yoursite/edit-tags.php?action=edit&taxonomy=category&post_type=post&tag_ID=136 or something similar. 136 is the category ID. Next select editor under the appearance tab on the left of your screen. Select wpn_config.php
Look for this:
// Feautured Category ID
‘featured_category_id’ => ‘136’,
Change 136 to the category ID you chose to use. Any post you want to show on the slider will have to be in that category. You can also set up the 3 highlights categories to use while editing this file. That should do it. Experiment with different size images to eliminate the stretched look.