The plugin doesn’t seem to work for me. It does not rewrite de description and the keywords of my blog. I’m using WordPress 3.0.1 with multisite enabled, and inbetween <title> and </title> in my header.php I have this:
<title><?php if(is_single()){ single_post_title();echo ' - ';bloginfo('name');}elseif(is_home()||is_front_page()){bloginfo('name');istudio_page_number();}elseif(is_page()){single_post_title(''); echo ' - ';bloginfo('name');}elseif(is_search()){printf( __('Search results for "%s"','iStudio'),esc_html($s));istudio_page_number();echo ' - '; bloginfo('name');}elseif(is_404()){_e('Error 404 - Not Found','iStudio');echo ' - ';bloginfo('name');}else{wp_title('');echo ' - ';bloginfo('name');istudio_page_number();}?></title>
I must say that I’m a newbie, and there might be a simple fix, but I can’t find it.