• Resolved elcuervo0589


    Hola. Hace 1 semanas no puedo ver los reportes de informes de mis ventas y articulos.

    Al entrar me aparece todo en $0

    Y un cartel “Con el lanzamiento de WooCommerce 4.0, se están reemplazando estos informes. Hay una nueva y mejor sección de analítica para los usuarios que estén usando WordPress 5.3+. Echa un vistazo a la?analítica de WooCommerce?o aprende más sobre la nueva experiencia en la?documentación de la analítica de WooCommerce.

    Al querer entrar a alguno de esos 2 me pone “Lo siento, no tienes permisos para acceder a esta página.”

    Alguna solucion posible?


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  • hrn1995 (woo-hc)


    Hi @elcuervo0589

    I understand that you’re having trouble accessing your sales and items reports.

    It seems like the error message you’re receiving is related to user roles and capabilities on WordPress. It’s possible that your user role doesn’t have the necessary permissions to view the new analytics page. Can you please ensure that you are using an account that has the Administrator role?

    Kindly take a screenshot of the account’s permissions too to confirm, then share with us. You may use https://snipboard.io when sharing screenshots.

    On the other hand, kindly ensure that you’re running the latest version of WooCommerce.

    If it’s already updated, and you’ve confirmed that you are using an admin account, please try to log in to another browser, or device and see if the issue persists.

    If nothing helps, can you please also send us a screenshot of the error you are receiving and share the URL of the link to that error?

    Thread Starter elcuervo0589


    Ahora me empezaron a aparecer los informes. Asi que lo marco como resuelto.


    hrn1995 (woo-hc)


    Hi @elcuervo0589

    Thanks for the update! We’re glad to hear that.

    Please don’t hesitate to start a new topic if you have any more questions down the line.

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