Admin user with the username deleted-l9N2CQti was created outside of WordPress
The message in the title was provided to me by WordFence on Nov 5. Running a scan, I additionally found a bunch of possibly malicious files throughout my WordPress installation, themes, plugins and content directories.
Now, this could obviously be regarded as just an attempted and successful attack on my website, followed by a clean-up from my side. But the reason I’m posting is that this is the second time within a month WordFence has made me aware that “An admin user with the username deleted-XXXXXXXX was created outside of WordPress” (the X’s were different the last time), followed by me finding a bunch of suspicious looking files throughout the file system. Both times, a successful login was made through the newly created user according to the log. And further, this time also an unsuccessful login attempt was made at yet another deleted-XXXXXXXX username.
To me, this seems too much of a pattern to be regarded a random attack, considering as well that also another post on this forum reported a deleted-XXXXXXXX admin user being created some time ago.
Does anyone have any clue what this could be? Neither newly created admin account had any details connected to it, such as an email address. Some of the suspicious files look completely random, while some look like core WordPress files with random names. It sort of looks like old deleted files showing up on a broken hard drive, or an installation or update gone wrong halfway through.
I saved all the suspicious files locally before cleaning my site, should they be of any help.
Any help or advice appreciated!
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