• Harmeet


    Wrap Text around Image is looking good at WP Admin Panel but it is showing differently on website. I am looking for solution for almost 2 days being a new WP learner. So far, I came to know this happens due to inbuilt CSS code in theme, If I am not wrong?

    I have tried it on different themes and the problem is same with almost every theme. Can you please suggest me “Do I need to deep dig into the CSS codes (I don’t know anything about coding)?

    Can someone help me for the time being and solve this wrap text image problem?

    Admin Panel View: ??

    Website View ??

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • threadi


    You are using the “Hostinger Blog Theme”. This apparently lacks style properties to enable the desired arrangement in the frontend. Your question therefore has nothing to do with the Twenty Twenty One theme, in whose support forum you wrote here. I would recommend you contact the support of your theme: https://www.hostinger.com/blog/hostinger-blog-theme

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