If it’s not related to “customize_presets_settings” then there must be some other setting doing it, some other option that’s making it think it’s a new install on update, since regardless of your video of which I don’t know if the database is clean of all loginpress data before installing. This would likely be an essential part of the test.
It also may be that installing 1.8 first sets things up differently than the older versions (whatever I started with) did and wasn’t corrected over updates getting me to 1.8
I just know that 3.0.2 does not set it correctly for me. I reviewed any databse option containing loginpress and didn’t see anything assigning the default theme. I expect that it only appears in Pro when another is selected. I don’t see “customize_presets_settings” and it looks like that is not immediately created on updating to 3.0.2 either. It only appears after I fix the theme back to Default. Since this is the first time there’s 2 choices in the free version, it’s the first time “customize_presets_settings” is being created when the theme is changed. Again the lack of this setting may still be what causes it to default to Minimalist since it is your new “default” on new installs and with no existing “customize_presets_settings”, it switches it to Minimalist.
With all this information should be able to add the case of updating from a pre-3.0 version, checking for the existence of “customize_presets_settings” and if not found, set it to the Default theme rather than Minimalist, because if it does exist, then that would mean they’re running Pro and are using a different theme than the defaults already and should be carried over accordingly.
Otherwise I’ll just have to manually fix each site’s theme selection on updating which is around 140 sites, which is why I’ve been pushing to resolve this.