Hi @fgdro,
the problem is, that the shortcode starts counting at 0. You start counting at 1.
So the first question must be question-0, the second question-1 and so on. And please write the shortcode in one line. Sorry, but that are the limitations of shortcodes.
Use this shortcode and it will work:
[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0="h3" question-0="Ce servicii oferiti ca instalator sanitar?" answer-0="In acest domeniu de activitate oferim urmatoarele servicii: montaj, reparatii sau inlocuire instalatii sanitare, desfundare wc, chiuvete si canalizari, montaj, sigilare sau inlocuire apometre etc." headline-1="h3" question-1="In ce zone va desfasurati activitatea?" answer-1="Ne desfasuram activitatea in Bucuresti-Ilfov (in toate sectoarele din Bucuresti, Bragadiru, Buftea, Chitila, Magurele, Otopeni, Pantelimon, Popesti-Leordeni, Voluntari etc.)." headline-2="h3" question-2="Cum va putem contacta?" answer-2="Ne puteti contacta telefonic, prin SMS, WhatsApp, e-mail sau folosind formularul de contact de pe site-ul www.termoserv.ro" headline-3="h3" question-3="De ce sa ne alegeti pe noi?" answer-3="Cateva argumente in acest sens: avem experienta ca instalatori sanitari, intervenim rapid (mai ales la urgente), oferim garantie pentru lucrarile efectuate si avem preturi rezonabile." "count="4" html="true" css_class=""]
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Thank you!