• Hello! I am using OceanWP theme for years and never experienced any issues until now.
    1. After the last update my main menu’s categories got wider suddenly, actually the search option was suddenly in the second row/line resizing it. I fixed this by increasing the width of the menu (but still on different resolution monitors I saw it on the second row again) but that is not a big issues, I got much bigger. https://tropicalislands.net/

    2. This one is a serious problem. I am using the Responsible Lightbox Gallery plugin for galleries. But after the last update in some posts, galleries got double galleries/lighboxes. You must press X button to close one gallery (plugin) and press again X to close default wordpress gallery, it doubles gallery/lighbox one behind another at the same time. Here is an example of how normally gallery worked for me for years https://tropicalislands.net/caribe-cay-gallery/ (wait little until images load, then click on image, and you can scroll left/right and press X button on the top right side to close gallery) and now see this bugged gallery post for example https://tropicalislands.net/manuhangi-atoll-gallery/ two galleries/lighboxes will appear when click on the image, you close one on topright, then another one will be left to close on Esc button. And it is in random older posts I did not change anything, all posts I have been writing for years in the same style, I inserted those galleries into Add media/gallery to the post itself. So, my question is how do I disable default wordpress gallery in OceanWP as it seems to get enabled somehow randomly?

    3. Please check this subcategory to see an example https://tropicalislands.net/category/tropical-island-regions/caribbean-region/bahamas/ you see how posts are in rows all adjusted nicely from the left to the right. Now, please check gallery subcategory https://tropicalislands.net/category/gallery/ scroll down to see and you see how posts are not in the same line, its all random, and some are cut the half or in various directions from left to right. I suppose it’s also with gallery problem this issuea is not happening in regular posts, just those containing gallery in this category.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hello @masterhaosis,

    Thank you for reaching out,

    What version did you update from?

    1. Regarding the two-line menu in small devices, you can set small padding for menu items in Customizer > Header > Menu > Left/Right Padding(px); 10px is suitable for the menu on your website.

    2.1. You can disable Lightbox in your third-party plugin or disable Lightbox in the theme from the following path: Customizer > General Options > Performance > Lightbox.

    2.2 We don’t have a gallery widget in OceanWP theme. So we don’t have any control over it. That’s the default in WordPress, and you can’t disable it. But you can use a third-party plugin like “Disable Unused Block Editor Blocks” plugin.

    3. Please share some screenshots from this issue to understand it better. I just checked your URLs and saw no issue there: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2qhBnZT

    However, it seems it’s a cache issue, if you have any cache plugin or server cache(CDN / Browser Cache and Cookies and …), you need to clear its cache contents or disable them to see your changes. Also, in Elementor, please don’t forget to click on the regenerate all assets file and data in Elementor > Tools; and finally, use hard-refreshing keys and recheck the issue.
    To refresh the page, please follow the steps explained in this link:

    I hope it helps.
    Best Regards

    Thread Starter masterhaosis


    Shahin! Hello Sir, thank you for reaching me quickly!

    I honestly cannot remember what was the last version I was before update, but I did not work on a blog for a few months, 3 or 4 due to my job, then I updated both wordpress and oceanWP, and since then I have those issues. Can I see somewhere that in dahsboard?
    And regarding your points:
    1. – I do not have that option in Customize > Header > Menu > there are no paddings there just colors of links. The only one settings is Width (px) under dropdown styling. Here are the options I have there

    Customizing ? Header > Menu
    Select Template
    Choose a template created in Theme Panel > My Library to replace the navigation.
    Top Level Dropdown Icon
    Second+ Level Dropdown Icon
    Dropdown Top Border
    Links Effect
    Main Styling
    Link Color
    Link Color: Hover
    Link Color: Current Menu Item
    Link Background
    Link Background: Hover
    Link Background: Current Menu Item
    Dropdowns Styling
    Width (px)
    Background Color
    Top Border Color
    Borders Color
    Link Color
    Link Color: Hover
    Link Background: Hover
    Link Color: Current Menu Item
    Link Background: Current Menu Item
    Search Icon
    Search Icon Style
    Input Background Color
    Input Color
    Input Border Color
    Input Border Color: Focus
    Dropdowns Categories Posts
    Category Title: Background
    Category Title: Color
    Posts Links: Color
    Posts Links Hover: Color
    Posts Date: Color

    2.1 – Lightbox is already disabled but it appears randomly on some posts that is the problem. Customize > General Options > Performance > ,,Lightbox This script enables you to overlay your images on the current page, used for the gallerie, single product and content images.” That is disabled. Maybe I should disable that plugin ,,Responsive Lightbox & Gallery” after all to use stock WordPress one.

    2.2 – Excuse me, what do you mean with that I did not understand it? I am not using blocks, that is new invention, I do not like it and never used it, in fact I am writing now in this and have difficulties. I am writing in old fashioned way in my blog like I wrote 4 years ago, and even then I had to install that classic editor to look more like in forums or ms word. So, this plugin you suggested, what would it do in my case?

    3 – Sorry sir, my bad, I should use a screenshot to explain this situation better. This is what I meant https://i21.servimg.com/u/f21/11/75/26/39/115.png as you can see, red circle are my Edit button which was in the same place anywhere, pink circle is the date which now varies, it was also in the same place in each post, and that blue line I draw manually is how some posts moved to the left. And as you saw already some categories like this have no such issue like this https://tropicalislands.net/category/tropical-island-regions/pacific-region/fiji/ everything is in place, but seems that gallery posts are out of margins after the update.

    Also, regarding the catche, I have Autoptimize plugin which I used for years, did not have issues with that. And about my own catche in browser, but this issues happened in another computers I tested, lap top precisely, it is not only for my own case locally, seems inside theme or something.

    Hello @masterhaosis,

    1. Please put the CSS below in Customizing > Custom CSS/JS > CSS Code:

    @media(min-width:960px) and (max-width:1023px) {
        #site-header.medium-header #site-navigation-wrap .dropdown-menu >li >a,
        #site-header.medium-header .oceanwp-mobile-menu-icon a {
            padding: 0 5px;
    @media(min-width:1024px) and (max-width:1200px) {
        #site-header.medium-header #site-navigation-wrap .dropdown-menu >li >a,
        #site-header.medium-header .oceanwp-mobile-menu-icon a {
            padding: 0 10px;

    Please read this link for more information about the CSS/JS code on the customizer: https://docs.oceanwp.org/article/354-add-custom-css-and-js-to-your-website.

    2.1. Please check this issue without our products and default WordPress theme.

    2.2 Can you please share a screenshot from the widget/block you mentioned to understand it better?

    3. Please clear the cache, it seems it’s a cache issue: https://postimg.cc/DmyfHGtR
    Or you can use the following CSS to solve it:

    .blog-entry.thumbnail-entry .blog-entry-content {
        width: 100%;

    Note: If you have any cache plugin or server cache(CDN / Browser Cache and Cookies and …), you need to clear its cache contents or disable them to see your changes. Also, remember to click on the regenerate all assets file and data in Elementor > Tools(if you have Elementor).

    I hope it helps.
    Best Regards

    Thread Starter masterhaosis


    Hello @shahin the situation looks little better now.
    1. – I put you code and it seems to work, menu is in the first line even in dashboard, which used to make two lines there. I did not test yet in other devices. BUT! I finally accidentally found out the location of those settings. It is not in Customizing > Header > Menu > Left/Right Padding(px) as you told (even Bard AI could not tell me real location), it is now in Customizing > Header > General and scroll down and you will see Menu section. And somehow I accidentally saw that. Nevermind, your solutions seems better.

    2.1 – I tested it, seems as theme problem. I disabled it and used some wordpress theme, and my gallery in tested post worked fine, when I switched back to OceanWP theme I am using, gallery lightbox duplicated. I did it twice for any case.

    2.2 – I am not using blocks or widgets, I do not have problem with that. Just those issues I explained, problems with menu resizing (which seems fixed now), duplicating gallery viewers (in some posts default wp lighbox is not disabled so it loads two of them) and those posts containing galleries in weird sizes and positions (which is now half fixed).
    Let me tell you how I use gallery. When we started blog 4 years ago, we did not have folders there for galleries, just one main media folder. As I am writing about tropical islands, each island must have its own folder for its own gallery in post, otherwice I cannot know which beach/jungle/whatever belongs to which island. They must have their own separation for that purpose. SO we pain plugin named FileBird to make folders inside dashboard to store separated images there. I have around 8000 files there, almost all images, and tons of folders now. When I make post, I insert Image, create gallery and add images from folder itself! So my gallery is not gallery, it is not post, it is old-fashioned post containing images created as single gallery so viewer can popup once you click on it. And again, I do not have blocks, widgets or whatever they created meanwhile after beginning of 2020, I do not insert pre-defined gallery or attach it, I create it in post directly and store images in folders in media in Dahsboard. So this was the problem that this viewer/lightbox which is disabled now appears on some post behind my plugin lightbox, loading it twice! And you have to close it twice. That must not happen.

    3. – I inserted your code and now all edit buttons and dates and all of that are as supposed to the right side. But still, some posts are moved away from the left side/margin (like someone pressed tab button). Still that is not such issue, much better now.
    Regarding catche, I clear it daily, sometimes even few times per day with that Autoptimize. I just disabled it and nothing happened. Then must be some issue with server catche, I do not know. And no, I am not using Elementor. Should I?

    Thread Starter masterhaosis


    @skalanter its definitively a theme problem. Default lightbox appears in some posts even if it is disabled in options, and I even used .css code to disable it. I installed LiteSpeed Catche plugin to purge all, and it did not work, I think we cleared a cacthe from the server. Then I tested, I enabled Responsible Lightnox Gallery plugin I used again, it loads twice, both plugin and regular lightbox. Ok, then I switched theme to Astra, and it worked fine, just plugin lightbox appears. I switched back to OceanWP again, and again I got two lighboxes appearing, even if default one is disabled.

    Hello @masterhaosis,

    Thank you for reaching out,
    I fully examined the issue you have raised on this topic and was unable to replicate it on my end, and no similar issues have been reported by other users to this moment.

    Please explain to us step by step how we can reproduce the issue so we can recreate it somewhere other than your website.

    You can upload your files using one of the following online services:

    Please keep us posted.
    Thank you,
    Best Regards

    Thread Starter masterhaosis


    Hello @skalanter
    Can you please check those two links for me and tell me what happens after you click on image inside gallery?
    this one https://tropicalislands.net/isla-di-yerba-gallery/
    and this one https://tropicalislands.net/manuhangi-atoll-gallery/
    When you click on any image in the first gallery, just that image should enlarge, and when you click on any image in the second gallery, that lightbox/image viewer should appear so you can list them left/right. Is that so for you as well?



    Hello @masterhaosis,

    Thank you for reaching out,

    What I see is that both galleries are one block with two different settings, and it is not in the theme. See the screenshots at this link: https://postimg.cc/gallery/R3TDhKN.
    Please check the Gallery settings: https://postimg.cc/6yK1wPhB.
    For more information about the Gallery block, please follow this link:

    Gallery Block

    I hope it helps.
    Best Regards

    Thread Starter masterhaosis


    @skalanter Hello Sir! I know how to set that as I am doing this for years, and that is the problem after the update. Those posts have literally the same settings, their galleries are set to media file. https://i21.servimg.com/u/f21/11/75/26/39/213.png And in some posts it works in some do not, but it is always set on media file.
    And I am telling you I am not using blocks, and never did. I am using the same style as I have been using for the last 4 years. See how my writing editor looks like https://i21.servimg.com/u/f21/11/75/26/39/310.png
    But I found something accidentally after days of testings: My lighbox is disabled always in settings. In Customize > General Options > Performance > Lightbox. It is always disabled, I enable it, publish and when refresh page it is again disabled. So that is the problem, it is disabled and I cannot enable it, and even it is disabled in some posts it is enabled. And that is big problem.



    Hello @masterhaosis,

    I tried to reproduce the issue on my side but didn’t succeed.
    The lightbox in the theme doesn’t have an issue, please check this video:
    Then I tried to enable it again and refreshed the Customizer; it was enabled: https://postimg.cc/q6tDV0Xw.

    Also, technically, it is impossible that one of the galleries works and one of them doesn’t work(regardless of whether it is a block/widget/shortcode or not).

    How can we replicate your steps to arrive at the issue on a fresh WordPress installation(we should recreate the issue somewhere other than your website)?

    Best Regards

    Thread Starter masterhaosis


    @skalanter Hello!
    And here is my video, I am telling you this is possible and is happening since the last update. I recorded it with phone, you will see that the lightbox is disabled, I enable it, refresh the page and it is disabled again, then you will see Manuhangi Atoll gallery, lightbox appears there even if it should not, and when I click on edit, it is set to media file. Then you will see Isla Di yerba Gallery, when I click on it, just one image appears as it should. When I click on edit, it is also set on media file.
    Here is the video https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Yf5cLj2Qwt9E_YQuEfm_TLG1iWlSxgkC/view?usp=sharing
    I cannot reproduce this because I did not produced it at first place! I did not do anything, just updated everything hat needed to be pdated, wordpress, OceanWp theme and few other plugins. But when I disabled all plugins it also was like that. Tell me, what specific settings do you need to see? By the way this bug appears in some old posts, new posts I make respect settings it seems. And no, the cache got cleared multiple times, we even contacted our host and server to be cleared.



    Hello @masterhaosis,

    The lightbox on your customizer didn’t change because it seems there is a JS error there.

    it is not happening on my end:
    Settings: https://postimg.cc/gXjGgJty
    Lighbox: https://postimg.cc/7CD6nqyX

    Please do the items below and let us know the result:

    1. Did you test in a fresh installation? If not, Please install a fresh installation and re-test the issue.
    2. I didn’t see the purging cache step. Did you clear all level caches(including CDN, plugin, server cache, etc)? Try to deactivate all cache in the server, plugin, and CDN.

    3. Please perform a basic troubleshooting checkup method and make sure the issue is related to our theme or plugin(s). To do this, deactivate all other plugins, then activate them one by one and check for this issue.

    Please deactivate the cache plugin on your website and re-test it.

    Regarding the gallery, that gallery shortcode completely is in WordPress, and I can see a difference in configurations.

    Screenshots: https://postimg.cc/gallery/R3TDhKN

    4. As an additional step, you can copy that gallery from the correct page into the page that has an issue with the gallery and change images.

    5. Also, try to re-create that gallery.
    Since we don’t know from which version you updated, it is better to create a new gallery and try to test it.
    Be sure to clear the cache from the server, site, and CDN.
    It may be necessary to completely delete the cache folder, refer to the documentation of the cache plugin you are using, or disable it altogether.

    Maybe the issue is related to the cache. Please try to replicate the issue on a fresh installation and without any other plugins, then share the steps you took to replicate that issue with us.

    6. If the above steps didn’t help you,
    Please install a lightbox plugin to achieve that: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/search/Lightbox/

    I hope it helps.
    Best Regards

    Thread Starter masterhaosis


    Hello @skalanter

    ,,1. Did you test in a fresh installation? If not, Please install a fresh installation and re-test the issue.”
    How do you mean to test and install fresh installation? Where to install?

    I did number 2 and number 3 you told me, and guess what, number three got something interesting find. I disabled as you suggested to me everything, and enabled one by one plugin. And guess what was the problem, OCEAN EXTRA ITSELF! Check this video as proof. https://drive.google.com/file/d/12l5hUtvXdntTcTu70IHVeEwhr6XCg8Ym/view?usp=sharing It is deactivated, and when I click on the image it opens itself as it should. Then I activate Ocean Extra, purge all, when click again on that image the lightbox opens even if it should not, and I can scroll images left/right. Then I again disable Ocean Extra, purge all, click on the same image again, it again opens itself as an attachment as it should. Lightbox is forcefully disabled and I cannot make it enabled, so regardless that all those gallery posts are set as link to media file, they should open in an attachment. But Ocean Extra makes them open in lightbox. Lighbox in performance is disabled no matter what, like you pointed out must be some error.

    Now, I got an interesting find! I checked all gallery posts and I have tons of them. From what I saw only older galleries from 2020 and 2021 Ocean Extra opens in Lightbox, while newer from 2022 it does not. It respects that the gallery is disabled. Here you can check this theory, https://tropicalislands.net/category/gallery/page/4/ all galleries after June 6, 2021 respect this setting (July 21 is the next), while that one from June 6 and all earlier always show lightbox on enabled Ocean Extra. The only exception is this gallery which you already saw https://tropicalislands.net/manuhangi-atoll-gallery/ it shows lightbox even Ocean Extra is disabled, but I will deal with it, either delete it and make a new or something.

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