Hi @fjpmaia,
I’m not sure I understand what you want to accomplish…
When using the multi-step layout, the customer needs to select a shipping method to proceed to the next step, and in your case, they will need to enter a valid ZIP code first.
It is currently not possible to disable the buttons “proceed to next step” because the validation of the fields can vary in type, not only required fields need to have a value but some field types (ie. email, phone number) also need to have their values validated to match a specific criteria.
1. When you say “Delivery method” are you referring to the “Shipping methods” section, or do you mean the selection of a local pickup point or in-store collection point?
If you mean the latter, it will require the creation of a custom validation script to ensure the local pickup/collection point is selected, and invalidating the field if one has not been selected yet.
If that is the case, we might need to add compatibility with the local pickup/in-store collection plugin you are using.
2. What is the local pickup/in-store collection plugin are you using?
3. In case I misunderstood what you mean, please do clarify what you want to accomplish exactly.