• I am running a wordpress site on a VPS php5 platform. ThreeWP Broadcast says that it broadcasts custom fields but it does not seem to be working for me.

    Under Super Admin > Broadcast, I have the custom fields setting set to let admins broadcast custom fields which is a step down from the site admin setting

    I have ThreeWP Broadcast set to Network activated

    And the method I am using custom fields for: I have meta title, meta keywords, and meta descriptions being set in custom fields per page. I am also doing the following in each field: some text, CITY some text… Then in my theme header:

    <?php $city = get_bloginfo('description'); ?>
    <title><?php if(get_post_meta($post->ID, "title", true) !='' ) echo str_replace('CITY', $city, get_post_meta($post->ID, "title", true) ); else bloginfo('title');?> </title>

    Essentially this lets me use the blog description for a city name. This is for a geo targetted site and its killing me that I can’t get this to work… Any ideas why custom fields aren’t coming through?

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  • Thread Starter tjsherrill


    The more I have thought about this I had also tried to to use Multipost MU and had a similar problem Custom Fields weren’t passed through. This is a brand new WP install…

    I have run the update and all that… I am reviewing the install to make sure its all there. Any ideas?

    thanks so much

    Thread Starter tjsherrill


    I have also double checked my setup, I have update my install, wp 3.0.1.

    This is killing me…

    You’re gonna have to email me and I’ll try to see what’s wrong.

    [email protected]

    Hey, I’m having the same problem and is also killing me!

    I’m currently using multipost mu but have the same problem: custom fields are not passed from master blog another (you must hit the update button twice to make it work).

    I tried ThreeWP Broadcast but got a blank page after post update, so I switched back to multipost mu. However, as I saw in another thread (https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/plugin-threewp-broadcast-broadcast-featured-image-field-and-custom-fields?replies=15) the custom fields issue is fixed in ThreeWp Braodcast 1.0.

    I would use it, but I got scared after that blank page. What woul you suggest to do?

    Thanks in advance,

    Blank page = php errors, check your error logs. ?? that’ll help narrow it down to see if it;s another plugin conflicting or the plguin itself,.

    Thanks for the suggestion, Andrea. I may run into this if I don’t find a way with the current plugin.

    In any case, I found a workaround, just copied a line from wp_publish_post to the plugin file and it works for now but I’m not sure if this is going to bring problems with revisions, editions or something.

    Around line 100, I added do_action('save_post', $postID, $post);, so now it saves the post first (with all the custom fields) and then retrieves the custom field values from database.

    Please let me know if this is reasonable or simply insane, I’m almost new to wp =D.

    Thanks a lot!

    Camilo, have you tried playing with the action priority on the settings page?

    The default is 640, but you can try raising it to 1000 or 2000 or whatever.

    But the fact that it’s blank paging you seems like the problem is elsewhere…

    Your “fix” shouldn’t be necessary…

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