• Happy Saturday! I am editor for a webpage I am creating and maintaining. That webpage has a Members Only “subsite” for members to log into and see member-only content. Both are supposed to be linked together and I am supposed to be able to edit both––which I could do as of last night.

    Fast forward to today, I can do everything the same way on the main website; but the sub-website I can only go to the dashboard where no customization capabilities appear anymore and I can click view site, but again cannot change anything.

    I was trying to have everything set up this weekend to present in the beginning of next week. My page Admins do not work on the weekends and I do not know what happened, but more importantly how to get that capability back ASAP!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Moderator bcworkz


    Customize function? Do you mean Appearance > Customizer from the admin menu? Depending on the site’s current theme, it may be hidden. Newer block based themes hide it in favor of the FSE feature. You can access it manually by typing into your browser’s address field your site’s domain plus /wp-admin/customize.php

    If even that does not work, your user lacks adequate role capability. You’ll need an admin or super-admin to give you the correct role.

    If you can manually access the customizer even though it was hidden, should you really even be there? You should be using the FSE feature (Appearance > Editor).

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