Hi @wiktor,
I found the error, but not a proper solution, just a workaround. As you’ve suggested, there were 404 errors; some JS files weren’t loading. It wasn’t consistent: when I disabled/re-enabled CKEditor, it worked like a charm the first time. But the moment I updated/published my entry, the the editor appeared broken and remained so unless I disabled/re-enabled it. Since it wasn’t a good solution, I eventually tracked all the missing files. I realized CKEditor was trying to load assets from the wp-admin directory. My first thought was that some setting, probably a basePath var was not being initialized. So I started debugging and trying many things. I tried setting it up myself after document.ready, but some other files were overriding the value. I finally decided to use another editor, but I did a last dirty trick, which was copying all the files the editor was trying to load from wp-admin to that folder. It worked but still it was a nasty workaround, and I finally switched to another editor and lived happily ever after.
I am using the “motion” template, which I found at www.ads-software.com, so I supposed it is standard. And anyway, I don’t think my template has anything to do with the back-end application, those are different scopes and whatever scripts my template loads and uses, they’re not present when I get to the back-end.
I must say, though, that all those errors are gone with current versions of WordPress (3.1) and CKEditor. Still, I think there was a lack of support given the number of affected people and the popularity of CKEditor. Yes, it’s free, but when it messes up with so many people’s blogs, I think the least they can do is to say “we know it’s been broken for two months, we’re working on it”.
Anyway, that’s just philosophy ?? I hope you find my answer helpful. Happy blogging!