WordPress Version 6.4.3….PHP Version 7.4.30…Wishlist Version 2.0.10 Woocommerce Version 8.5.2
I installed version 2.0.10 of the plugin, and it has never been installed on my development platform before this version.
The error occurred after attempting to add a product to the wish list from the shop page for the first time. Please note, at this point, I only set the wish list page, inserted the referenced wishlist page shortcode into said page and turned on the sidebar in the plugin admin. The error presented itself in the popup that would normally confirm that the product was successfully added to the list. In this instance, the product was not added and instead the error was displayed in the pop up.
I then proceeded to this support thread and read Unable to add to wishlist (2) where the issue was reported and fixed in the current version, a few weeks ago. I then proceeded to deactivate then reactivate the plugin, whereby the product was successfully added to the list without error.
Also, while evaluating the plugin there are two classes within addonify-wishlist-icon.min.css?ver=2.0.10 named .settings::before and .x::before. The .x::before places a content tag in the very popular Flatsome theme slider(flickity slider). https://prnt.sc/xYV7Mad0WtEq
The .settings::before places a content tag in the very popular Dokan Multi vendor dashboard menu. https://prnt.sc/lqMVGxxgTh7G
Not a big deal, as the tag can easily be hidden. However, as is, the tag might give the impression that the plugin is problematic to users trying it out for the first time.
Please note that the mentioned anomalies are what I have noticed so far.
Good Day
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