Slow Queries
Hi @tueac_2,
WP Offload Media Support Team here. Thanks for reaching out with your query, we would be happy to assist!
Would you be able to send us the diagnostic information from the Support tab on your install?
- Go to the Support tab of your install
- Scroll down to the “Diagnostic Info”
- Copy the contents and send it with your reply here. You may remove any private info that you don’t want to share.
We’ll check for some known issues that you may be having. For example, are you using Safe SVG? We have received reports before that it conflicts with WP Offload Media. The symptom is the site slowing down.
Another possible source of the issue is if WP Cron is still enabled. We recommend using your server’s crontab, or using an external cron service.
More information about this can be found below:
Thank you for your help!
I have attached the requested information. I am checking also the Cron Setup situation, will report again when i have any updates.site_url():
Database Name: 150109112
Table Prefix: wp_
WordPress: 6.4.3
Web Server: nginx
PHP: 8.1.27
MySQL: 10.6.15
ext/mysqli: yes
PHP Memory Limit: 512M
WP Memory Limit: 512M
Memory Usage: 80 MB
Blocked External HTTP Requests: None
WP Locale: en_US
Organize offloads by month/year: Enabled
WP Max Upload Size: 2 GB
PHP Time Limit: 1200
PHP Error Log: /tmp/php-errors
WP Cron: Enabled
fsockopen: Enabled
allow_url_fopen: Enabled
OpenSSL: OpenSSL 1.1.1w 11 Sep 2023
cURL: 8.4.0
Zlib Compression: Enabled
PHP GD: bundled (2.1.0 compatible)
Imagick: Disabled
Basic Auth: Disabled
Proxy: Disabled Total Media Items: 17,550
Total Offloaded Media Items: 17,547
Total Not Offloaded Media Items: 3 Media Library Items: 17,550
Offloaded Media Library Items: 17,547
Not Offloaded Media Library Items: 3 Number of Image Sizes: 20 Names and Dimensions of Image Sizes:
thumbnail (150x150)
medium (300x300)
large (1024x1024)
1536x1536 (1536x1536)
2048x2048 (2048x2048)
et-pb-post-main-image (400x250)
et-pb-post-main-image-fullwidth (1080x675)
et-pb-portfolio-image (400x284)
et-pb-portfolio-module-image (510x382)
et-pb-portfolio-image-single (1080x9999)
et-pb-gallery-module-image-portrait (400x516)
et-pb-post-main-image-fullwidth-large (2880x1800)
et-pb-image--responsive--desktop (1280x720)
et-pb-image--responsive--tablet (980x551)
et-pb-image--responsive--phone (480x270)
woocommerce_thumbnail (300x300)
woocommerce_single (600x0)
woocommerce_gallery_thumbnail (100x100)
dgwt-wcas-product-suggestion (64x0) WP_CONTENT_DIR: /srv/htdocs/wp-content
UPLOADS: Not defined
WP_PLUGIN_DIR: /srv/htdocs/wp-content/plugins
AS3CF_BUCKET: Not defined
AS3CF_REGION: Not defined
AS3CF_SETTINGS Keys: access-key-id, provider, secret-access-key Local URL:
Offload URL: OME Metadata Version: 12 Custom tables:
wp_as3cf_items: Ok Storage Provider: DigitalOcean Spaces
Use Server Roles: N/A
Key File Path: N/A
Access Keys Set: Yes
Access Key ID Define: Not defined
Secret Access Key Define: Not defined Bucket: kotobukiya
Region: sgp1 Offload Media: On
Remove Local Media: On
Enable Add Prefix to Bucket Path: On
Custom Prefix for Bucket Path: kotobukiya/wp-content/uploads/
Add Year & Month to Bucket Path: On
Add Object Version to Bucket Path: On Delivery Provider: DigitalOcean Spaces
Deliver Offloaded Media: On Force HTTPS: On Active Theme Name: Kotobukiya SG & MY
Active Theme Version: 4.0.11
Active Theme Folder: kotobukiya-sg-my
Parent Theme Name: Divi
Parent Theme Version: 4.24.2
Parent Theme Folder: Divi Active Plugins:
Advanced Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce (v4.6.1) by AlgolPlus
Advanced Order Export For WooCommerce (v3.4.5) by AlgolPlus
Akismet Anti-spam: Spam Protection (v5.3.1) by Automattic - Anti-spam Team
Cloudflare (v4.12.4) by Cloudflare, Inc.
Cost of Goods for WooCommerce (v3.2.9) by WPFactory
Custom Order Numbers for WooCommerce (v1.7.0) by Tyche Softwares
Disable Bloat for WordPress & WooCommerce (v3.4.5) by Disable Bloat
FiboSearch - AJAX Search for WooCommerce (v1.27.0) by FiboSearch Team
Jetpack (v13.2-a.7) by Automattic
Jetpack Protect (v2.0.0) by Automattic - Jetpack Security team
Jetpack Search (v2.0.0) by Automattic - Jetpack Search team
Mailchimp for WooCommerce (v3.6) by Mailchimp
Orbisius Child Theme Creator (v1.5.4) by Svetoslav Marinov (Slavi)
Permalink Manager Lite (v2.4.3.1) by Maciej Bis
Phone Orders for WooCommerce (v3.8.8) by AlgolPlus
Post SMTP (v2.8.11) by Post SMTP
Pressable OnePress Login (v1.3.2) by Pressable
Private content (v6.5.0) by Aldo Latino
Query Monitor (v3.15.0) by John Blackbourn
Redirection (v5.4.2) by John Godley
Ultimate Member (v2.8.3) by Ultimate Member
WC Search Orders By Product (v2.0) by WPHEKA
WP Offload Media Lite (v3.2.7) by Delicious Brains
WP-Sweep (v1.1.8) by Lester 'GaMerZ' Chan
WooCommerce (v8.6.1) by Automattic
WooCommerce Advanced Notifications (v1.2.27) by WooCommerce
WooCommerce Advanced Product Labels (v1.2.5.3) by BeRocket
WooCommerce Backorder Manager Pro (v2.9) by jeffrey-wp
WooCommerce Shipping & Tax (v2.5.1) by WooCommerce
WooCommerce Smart Orders Page (v1.5.3) by FEST Agency
YITH Pre-Order for WooCommerce (v2.20.0) by YITH Must-use Plugins:
index.php Drop-ins:
advanced-cache.php - advanced-cache.php
db.php - Query Monitor Database Class (Drop-in)
maintenance.php - maintenance.php
object-cache.php - MemcachedHi @tueac_2,
Thank you for sending that in!
There might be an issue with the REST API. We tried to access WP Offload Media endpoints on your site, and it looks like you’re encountering a 404 –
Please try and re-save your permalinks and see if that helps. If the issue persists, would you mind temporarily switching to a default theme and see if that resolves the issue?
If you also have any plugins that could interfere with the REST-API, please temporarily deactivate those as well. One plugin we noticed is?Query Monitor. Could you try deactivating it temporarily to see if the speed improves? We’ve received reports before of that plugin slowing down a site.
If the issue persists, WP Offload Media has some caching system built in so that it doesn’t always call the database to retrieve the offload URL of a file. It might not be working properly on your site.
Can you please try editing your?wp-config.php?file on the server to replace this line:
?define( 'WP_DEBUG', false );
With these lines –
?define('WP_DEBUG', true);
define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', true);
define('WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false);
This means that any errors are logged to?/wp-content/debug.log
, because some errors are not visible on screen. More details about that at?
Can you try again the process that generated that slow query, and then attach the?debug.log
?file with your reply, please?
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