• Resolved degroeifabriek


    Hi, I am trying to restore a backup, but it gets stuck everytime around 80 – 90%. Last time it stopped at 89% while restoring the wp_yoast_primary_term datatable. The other times I tried it stopped at another table. Below I will paste my latest log file. Is there something I can do so that I will be able to restore my backup?



    [STEP] [2024-03-11 07:38:16] Het terugzet proces aan het starten
    [WARN] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] PHP CLI is handmatig uitgezet, plugin zal alle PHP CLI stappen weglaten.
    [SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Terugzet proces heeft gereageerd
    [SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Migratieproces vergrendelen
    [STEP] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Het terugzet proces aan het starten
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Backup & Migration versie: 1.4.3
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Aangepaste foutafhandeling initialiseren
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Site die wordt hersteld https://sprankelwijze.bekijkhier.be
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] PHP versie: 8.0.30
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] WP versie: 5.6.10
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] MySQL versie: 10.6.15
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] MySQL max. lengte: 1073741824
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Web server Apache
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Maximale uitvoeringstijd (in seconden) 300
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Geheugenlimiet (server): 536870912
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Geheugenlimiet (wp-config): 40M
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Geheugenlimiet (wp-config beheerder): 536870912
    [SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Terugzet proces succesvol ge?nitialiseerd.
    [STEP] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Vrije ruimte controleren…
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Controleren of er voldoende vrije ruimte is
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Vereist minstens 1539919473 bytes. [1.43 GB]
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Schijf vrije ruimtefunctie is niet uitgeschakeld - met behulp van het…
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Controleren van dit pad/partitie: ABSPATH/wp-content/backup_path/backups
    [SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Er is 102,459,154.63 MB vrij. [97.71 TB]
    [SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Super! We hebben genoeg ruimte.
    [SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Confirmed, there is enough space on the device, checked: 1539919473 bytes.
    [STEP] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Maken van nieuwe geheime sleutel voor huidig terugzet proces.
    [SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Geheime sleutel gecre?erd, het wordt naar je teruggestuurd (ping).
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Geheime sleutel succesvol gedetecteerd (pong)!
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Tijdelijke folder maken
    [STEP] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Archief scannen…
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:18] Scan gevonden 18232 Bestanden in de back-up.
    [STEP] [2024-03-11 07:38:18] Voorbereiden van batching extractie techniek…
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:18] Bestanden ge?xporteerd per batch: 500
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:18] Gebruiken van ZipArchive, we laten geheugen limiet berekeningen weg…
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:20] Extractie mijlpaal: 500/18233 (2.75%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:22] Extractie mijlpaal: 1000/18233 (5.49%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:24] Extractie mijlpaal: 1500/18233 (8.23%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:26] Extractie mijlpaal: 2000/18233 (10.97%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:28] Extractie mijlpaal: 2500/18233 (13.72%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:29] Extractie mijlpaal: 3000/18233 (16.46%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:31] Extractie mijlpaal: 3500/18233 (19.20%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:33] Extractie mijlpaal: 4000/18233 (21.94%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:36] Extractie mijlpaal: 4500/18233 (24.69%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:37] Extractie mijlpaal: 5000/18233 (27.43%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:40] Extractie mijlpaal: 5500/18233 (30.17%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:42] Extractie mijlpaal: 6000/18233 (32.91%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:44] Extractie mijlpaal: 6500/18233 (35.66%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:47] Extractie mijlpaal: 7000/18233 (38.40%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:49] Extractie mijlpaal: 7500/18233 (41.14%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:52] Extractie mijlpaal: 8000/18233 (43.88%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:54] Extractie mijlpaal: 8500/18233 (46.62%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:57] Extractie mijlpaal: 9000/18233 (49.37%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:39:00] Extractie mijlpaal: 9500/18233 (52.11%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:39:03] Extractie mijlpaal: 10000/18233 (54.85%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:39:05] Extractie mijlpaal: 10500/18233 (57.59%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:39:08] Extractie mijlpaal: 11000/18233 (60.34%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:39:11] Extractie mijlpaal: 11500/18233 (63.08%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:39:13] Extractie mijlpaal: 12000/18233 (65.82%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:39:16] Extractie mijlpaal: 12500/18233 (68.56%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:39:18] Extractie mijlpaal: 13000/18233 (71.30%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:39:21] Extractie mijlpaal: 13500/18233 (74.05%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:39:24] Extractie mijlpaal: 14000/18233 (76.79%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:39:26] Extractie mijlpaal: 14500/18233 (79.53%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:39:28] Extractie mijlpaal: 15000/18233 (82.27%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:39:31] Extractie mijlpaal: 15500/18233 (85.02%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:39:33] Extractie mijlpaal: 16000/18233 (87.76%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:39:36] Extractie mijlpaal: 16500/18233 (90.50%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:39:38] Extractie mijlpaal: 17000/18233 (93.24%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:39:40] Extractie mijlpaal: 17500/18233 (95.99%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:39:44] Extractie mijlpaal: 18000/18233 (98.73%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:39:46] Extractie mijlpaal: 18233/18233 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:39:46] Bestanden uitgepakt…
    [STEP] [2024-03-11 07:39:46] Wp-config-bestand opslaan…
    [SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:39:46] Bestand wp-config opgeslagen
    [STEP] [2024-03-11 07:39:47] Back-up manifest ophalen…
    [SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:39:47] Manifest geladen
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:39:47] Backup Migration versie gebruikt voor die back-up: 1.2.7
    [STEP] [2024-03-11 07:39:47] Bestanden terugzetten (dit proces kan even duren)…
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:39:54] Voortgang vervanging: 500/18199 (2%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:39:58] Voortgang vervanging: 1000/18199 (5%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:40:02] Voortgang vervanging: 1500/18199 (8%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:40:06] Voortgang vervanging: 2000/18199 (10%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:40:10] Voortgang vervanging: 2500/18199 (13%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:40:14] Voortgang vervanging: 3000/18199 (16%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:40:18] Voortgang vervanging: 3500/18199 (19%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:40:22] Voortgang vervanging: 4000/18199 (21%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:40:26] Voortgang vervanging: 4500/18199 (24%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:40:30] Voortgang vervanging: 5000/18199 (27%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:40:34] Voortgang vervanging: 5500/18199 (30%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:40:38] Voortgang vervanging: 6000/18199 (32%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:40:42] Voortgang vervanging: 6500/18199 (35%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:40:46] Voortgang vervanging: 7000/18199 (38%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:40:50] Voortgang vervanging: 7500/18199 (41%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:40:54] Voortgang vervanging: 8000/18199 (43%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:40:58] Voortgang vervanging: 8500/18199 (46%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:41:03] Voortgang vervanging: 9000/18199 (49%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:41:07] Voortgang vervanging: 9500/18199 (52%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:41:11] Voortgang vervanging: 10000/18199 (54%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:41:16] Voortgang vervanging: 10500/18199 (57%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:41:20] Voortgang vervanging: 11000/18199 (60%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:41:24] Voortgang vervanging: 11500/18199 (63%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:41:29] Voortgang vervanging: 12000/18199 (65%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:41:33] Voortgang vervanging: 12500/18199 (68%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:41:37] Voortgang vervanging: 13000/18199 (71%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:41:42] Voortgang vervanging: 13500/18199 (74%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:41:47] Voortgang vervanging: 14000/18199 (76%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:41:52] Voortgang vervanging: 14500/18199 (79%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:41:56] Voortgang vervanging: 15000/18199 (82%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:01] Voortgang vervanging: 15500/18199 (85%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:05] Voortgang vervanging: 16000/18199 (87%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:10] Voortgang vervanging: 16500/18199 (90%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:14] Voortgang vervanging: 17000/18199 (93%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:19] Voortgang vervanging: 17500/18199 (96%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:23] Voortgang vervanging: 18000/18199 (98%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:25] Voortgang vervanging: 18199/18199 (100%)
    [SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:25] Alle bestanden zijn succesvol teruggezet.
    [STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:25] Validating table prefix…
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:25] Table prefix in manifest: wp_
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:25] Detected table prefix: wp_
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:25] Splitsingsproces is uitgeschakeld omdat v3 terugzet engine is ingeschakeld.
    [STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:25] De databasestructuur controleren…
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:25] Successfully detected backup created with v3 engine, importing…
    [STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:25] Database terugzetten (met v4 engine)…
    [STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:25] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_commentmeta 1/30 (3.33%) tabel
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:25] Vooruitgang van wp_commentmeta: 1/2 (50.00%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:26] Vooruitgang van wp_commentmeta: 2/2 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:26] Tabel wp_commentmeta herstel duurde 1.08174 seconden
    [STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:26] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_comments 2/30 (6.67%) tabel
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:26] Vooruitgang van wp_comments: 1/3 (33.33%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:26] Vooruitgang van wp_comments: 2/3 (66.67%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:26] Vooruitgang van wp_comments: 3/3 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:26] Tabel wp_comments herstel duurde 0.60116 seconden
    [STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:26] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_duplicator_packages 3/30 (10.00%) tabel
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:26] Vooruitgang van wp_duplicator_packages: 1/3 (33.33%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:26] Vooruitgang van wp_duplicator_packages: 2/3 (66.67%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:27] Vooruitgang van wp_duplicator_packages: 3/3 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:27] Tabel wp_duplicator_packages herstel duurde 1.16724 seconden
    [STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:27] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_eo_events 4/30 (13.33%) tabel
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:27] Vooruitgang van wp_eo_events: 1/3 (33.33%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:27] Vooruitgang van wp_eo_events: 2/3 (66.67%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:27] Vooruitgang van wp_eo_events: 3/3 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:27] Tabel wp_eo_events herstel duurde 0.64513 seconden
    [STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:27] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_eo_venuemeta 5/30 (16.67%) tabel
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:27] Vooruitgang van wp_eo_venuemeta: 1/3 (33.33%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:27] Vooruitgang van wp_eo_venuemeta: 2/3 (66.67%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:28] Vooruitgang van wp_eo_venuemeta: 3/3 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:28] Tabel wp_eo_venuemeta herstel duurde 1.11581 seconden
    [STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:28] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_inbound_events 6/30 (20.00%) tabel
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:28] Vooruitgang van wp_inbound_events: 1/2 (50.00%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:28] Vooruitgang van wp_inbound_events: 2/2 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:28] Tabel wp_inbound_events herstel duurde 0.47438 seconden
    [STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:28] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_inbound_page_views 7/30 (23.33%) tabel
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:28] Vooruitgang van wp_inbound_page_views: 1/5 (20.00%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:29] Vooruitgang van wp_inbound_page_views: 2/5 (40.00%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:29] Vooruitgang van wp_inbound_page_views: 3/5 (60.00%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:29] Vooruitgang van wp_inbound_page_views: 4/5 (80.00%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:30] Vooruitgang van wp_inbound_page_views: 5/5 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:30] Tabel wp_inbound_page_views herstel duurde 2.12091 seconden
    [STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:30] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_inbound_tracked_links 8/30 (26.67%) tabel
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:30] Vooruitgang van wp_inbound_tracked_links: 1/2 (50.00%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:30] Vooruitgang van wp_inbound_tracked_links: 2/2 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:30] Tabel wp_inbound_tracked_links herstel duurde 0.45792 seconden
    [STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:30] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_layerslider 9/30 (30.00%) tabel
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:30] Vooruitgang van wp_layerslider: 1/2 (50.00%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:30] Vooruitgang van wp_layerslider: 2/2 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:30] Tabel wp_layerslider herstel duurde 0.80075 seconden
    [STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:31] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_layerslider_revisions 10/30 (33.33%) tabel
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:31] Vooruitgang van wp_layerslider_revisions: 1/2 (50.00%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:31] Vooruitgang van wp_layerslider_revisions: 2/2 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:31] Tabel wp_layerslider_revisions herstel duurde 0.27783 seconden
    [STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:31] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_links 11/30 (36.67%) tabel
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:31] Vooruitgang van wp_links: 1/2 (50.00%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:31] Vooruitgang van wp_links: 2/2 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:31] Tabel wp_links herstel duurde 0.75437 seconden
    [STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:31] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_my_calendar 12/30 (40.00%) tabel
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:31] Vooruitgang van wp_my_calendar: 1/2 (50.00%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:32] Vooruitgang van wp_my_calendar: 2/2 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:32] Tabel wp_my_calendar herstel duurde 1.21372 seconden
    [STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:32] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_my_calendar_categories 13/30 (43.33%) tabel
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:32] Vooruitgang van wp_my_calendar_categories: 1/3 (33.33%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:32] Vooruitgang van wp_my_calendar_categories: 2/3 (66.67%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:32] Vooruitgang van wp_my_calendar_categories: 3/3 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:32] Tabel wp_my_calendar_categories herstel duurde 0.88700 seconden
    [STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:33] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_my_calendar_events 14/30 (46.67%) tabel
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:33] Vooruitgang van wp_my_calendar_events: 1/2 (50.00%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:33] Vooruitgang van wp_my_calendar_events: 2/2 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:33] Tabel wp_my_calendar_events herstel duurde 0.25931 seconden
    [STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:33] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_my_calendar_locations 15/30 (50.00%) tabel
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:33] Vooruitgang van wp_my_calendar_locations: 1/3 (33.33%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:33] Vooruitgang van wp_my_calendar_locations: 2/3 (66.67%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:33] Vooruitgang van wp_my_calendar_locations: 3/3 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:33] Tabel wp_my_calendar_locations herstel duurde 0.73438 seconden
    [STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:33] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_options 16/30 (53.33%) tabel
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:33] Vooruitgang van wp_options: 1/3 (33.33%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:34] Vooruitgang van wp_options: 2/3 (66.67%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:34] Vooruitgang van wp_options: 3/3 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:34] Tabel wp_options herstel duurde 1.40260 seconden
    [STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:34] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_postmeta 17/30 (56.67%) tabel
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:34] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 1/32 (3.13%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:35] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 2/32 (6.25%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:35] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 3/32 (9.38%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:35] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 4/32 (12.50%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:35] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 5/32 (15.63%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:36] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 6/32 (18.75%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:36] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 7/32 (21.88%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:36] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 8/32 (25.00%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:37] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 9/32 (28.13%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:37] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 10/32 (31.25%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:37] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 11/32 (34.38%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:37] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 12/32 (37.50%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:38] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 13/32 (40.63%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:38] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 14/32 (43.75%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:38] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 15/32 (46.88%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:38] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 16/32 (50.00%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:39] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 17/32 (53.13%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:39] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 18/32 (56.25%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:39] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 19/32 (59.38%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:40] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 20/32 (62.50%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:40] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 21/32 (65.63%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:40] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 22/32 (68.75%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:41] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 23/32 (71.88%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:41] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 24/32 (75.00%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:41] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 25/32 (78.13%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:42] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 26/32 (81.25%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:42] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 27/32 (84.38%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:42] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 28/32 (87.50%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:42] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 29/32 (90.63%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:43] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 30/32 (93.75%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:43] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 31/32 (96.88%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:43] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 32/32 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:43] Tabel wp_postmeta herstel duurde 9.73818 seconden
    [STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:43] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_posts 18/30 (60.00%) tabel
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:44] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 1/45 (2.22%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:44] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 2/45 (4.44%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:44] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 3/45 (6.67%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:44] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 4/45 (8.89%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:45] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 5/45 (11.11%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:45] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 6/45 (13.33%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:45] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 7/45 (15.56%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:45] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 8/45 (17.78%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:46] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 9/45 (20.00%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:46] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 10/45 (22.22%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:46] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 11/45 (24.44%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:46] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 12/45 (26.67%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:47] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 13/45 (28.89%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:47] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 14/45 (31.11%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:47] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 15/45 (33.33%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:48] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 16/45 (35.56%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:48] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 17/45 (37.78%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:48] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 18/45 (40.00%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:48] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 19/45 (42.22%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:49] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 20/45 (44.44%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:49] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 21/45 (46.67%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:49] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 22/45 (48.89%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:49] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 23/45 (51.11%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:50] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 24/45 (53.33%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:50] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 25/45 (55.56%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:50] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 26/45 (57.78%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:51] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 27/45 (60.00%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:51] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 28/45 (62.22%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:51] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 29/45 (64.44%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:51] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 30/45 (66.67%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:52] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 31/45 (68.89%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:52] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 32/45 (71.11%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:53] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 33/45 (73.33%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:53] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 34/45 (75.56%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:53] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 35/45 (77.78%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:53] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 36/45 (80.00%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:54] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 37/45 (82.22%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:54] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 38/45 (84.44%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:54] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 39/45 (86.67%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:55] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 40/45 (88.89%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:55] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 41/45 (91.11%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:55] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 42/45 (93.33%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:56] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 43/45 (95.56%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:56] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 44/45 (97.78%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:56] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 45/45 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:56] Tabel wp_posts herstel duurde 13.72162 seconden
    [STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:56] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_term_relationships 19/30 (63.33%) tabel
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:56] Vooruitgang van wp_term_relationships: 1/3 (33.33%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:57] Vooruitgang van wp_term_relationships: 2/3 (66.67%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:57] Vooruitgang van wp_term_relationships: 3/3 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:57] Tabel wp_term_relationships herstel duurde 1.48239 seconden
    [STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:57] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_term_taxonomy 20/30 (66.67%) tabel
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:57] Vooruitgang van wp_term_taxonomy: 1/3 (33.33%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:57] Vooruitgang van wp_term_taxonomy: 2/3 (66.67%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:58] Vooruitgang van wp_term_taxonomy: 3/3 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:58] Tabel wp_term_taxonomy herstel duurde 1.13367 seconden
    [STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:58] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_termmeta 21/30 (70.00%) tabel
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:58] Vooruitgang van wp_termmeta: 1/2 (50.00%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:58] Vooruitgang van wp_termmeta: 2/2 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:58] Tabel wp_termmeta herstel duurde 0.48405 seconden
    [STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:58] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_terms 22/30 (73.33%) tabel
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:58] Vooruitgang van wp_terms: 1/3 (33.33%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:58] Vooruitgang van wp_terms: 2/3 (66.67%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:58] Vooruitgang van wp_terms: 3/3 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:58] Tabel wp_terms herstel duurde 0.98102 seconden
    [STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:59] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_usermeta 23/30 (76.67%) tabel
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:59] Vooruitgang van wp_usermeta: 1/3 (33.33%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:59] Vooruitgang van wp_usermeta: 2/3 (66.67%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:59] Vooruitgang van wp_usermeta: 3/3 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:59] Tabel wp_usermeta herstel duurde 0.52522 seconden
    [STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:59] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_users 24/30 (80.00%) tabel
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:59] Vooruitgang van wp_users: 1/3 (33.33%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:59] Vooruitgang van wp_users: 2/3 (66.67%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:59] Vooruitgang van wp_users: 3/3 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:59] Tabel wp_users herstel duurde 0.97968 seconden
    [STEP] [2024-03-11 07:43:00] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_wow_coder 25/30 (83.33%) tabel
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:43:00] Vooruitgang van wp_wow_coder: 1/2 (50.00%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:43:00] Vooruitgang van wp_wow_coder: 2/2 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:43:00] Tabel wp_wow_coder herstel duurde 0.33254 seconden
    [STEP] [2024-03-11 07:43:00] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_yoast_indexable 26/30 (86.67%) tabel
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:43:00] Opruimen van inhoud van wp_yoast_indexable tabel.
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:43:00] Vooruitgang van wp_yoast_indexable: 1/2 (50.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:43:00] Tabel wp_yoast_indexable herstel duurde 0.51812 seconden
    [STEP] [2024-03-11 07:43:00] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_yoast_indexable_hierarchy 27/30 (90.00%) tabel
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:43:00] Vooruitgang van wp_yoast_indexable_hierarchy: 1/3 (33.33%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:43:00] Vooruitgang van wp_yoast_indexable_hierarchy: 2/3 (66.67%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:43:01] Vooruitgang van wp_yoast_indexable_hierarchy: 3/3 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:43:01] Tabel wp_yoast_indexable_hierarchy herstel duurde 1.02196 seconden
    [STEP] [2024-03-11 07:43:01] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_yoast_migrations 28/30 (93.33%) tabel
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:43:01] Vooruitgang van wp_yoast_migrations: 1/3 (33.33%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:43:01] Vooruitgang van wp_yoast_migrations: 2/3 (66.67%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:43:01] Vooruitgang van wp_yoast_migrations: 3/3 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:43:01] Tabel wp_yoast_migrations herstel duurde 0.55000 seconden
    [STEP] [2024-03-11 07:43:01] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_yoast_primary_term 29/30 (96.67%) tabel
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:43:01] Vooruitgang van wp_yoast_primary_term: 1/3 (33.33%)
    [INFO] [2024-03-11 07:43:01] Vooruitgang van wp_yoast_primary_term: 2/3 (66.67%)
    [VERBOSE] [2024-03-11 07:43:02] Front End Ajax Error START
    [VERBOSE] [2024-03-11 07:43:02] call = restore-backup
    [VERBOSE] [2024-03-11 07:43:02] 0_readyState = 4
    [VERBOSE] [2024-03-11 07:43:02] 0_responseText = Checking your browser before accessing sprankelwijze.bekijkhier.be /** * [js-sha256]{@link https://github.com/emn178/js-sha256} * * @version 0.9.0 * @author Chen, Yi-Cyuan [[email protected]] * @copyright Chen, Yi-Cyuan 2014-2017 * @license MIT / var a0_0x5e16b8=a0_0x21c9;function a0_0x21c9(0x8aa0a8,_0x465727){var _0x72c1c8=a0_0x72c1();return a0_0x21c9=function(_0x21c969,_0x56086f){_0x21c969=_0x21c969-0x190;var _0x31351d=_0x72c1c8[_0x21c969];return _0x31351d;},a0_0x21c9(_0x8aa0a8,_0x465727);}(function(_0x53ca44,_0x5ee17b){var _0x2ceee6=a0_0x21c9,_0x14bf78=_0x53ca44();while(!![]){try{var _0x3e5b8b=parseInt(_0x2ceee6(0x19a))/0x1+-parseInt(_0x2ceee6(0x1cb))/0x2+-parseInt(_0x2ceee6(0x1a0))/0x3(-parseInt(_0x2ceee6(0x1aa))/0x4)+-parseInt(_0x2ceee6(0x19c))/0x5+parseInt(_0x2ceee6(0x1ba))/0x6(parseInt(_0x2ceee6(0x19d))/0x7)+-parseInt(_0x2ceee6(0x1a1))/0x8(parseInt(_0x2ceee6(0x1bb))/0x9)+parseInt(_0x2ceee6(0x1a4))/0xa;if(_0x3e5b8b===_0x5ee17b)break;else _0x14bf78\'push\',_0x473ab2=[-0x80000000,0x800000,0x8000,0x80],_0xa90e3d=[0x18,0x10,0x8,0x0],_0x184906=[0x428a2f98,0x71374491,0xb5c0fbcf,0xe9b
    [VERBOSE] [2024-03-11 07:43:02] 0_status = 503
    [VERBOSE] [2024-03-11 07:43:02] 0_statusText = error
    [VERBOSE] [2024-03-11 07:43:02] 1_x = restore-backup
    [VERBOSE] [2024-03-11 07:43:02] 2_file = some_backup
    [VERBOSE] [2024-03-11 07:43:02] 2_remote = false
    [VERBOSE] [2024-03-11 07:43:02] 2_secret = 8TvjBnzR45nm9n4tnyqFkVLkmY56nauGOAqEX4BrlTMM3ot23smDVJnqkitZhvg5
    [VERBOSE] [2024-03-11 07:43:02] 2_ignoreRunning = true
    [VERBOSE] [2024-03-11 07:43:02] 2_tmpname = 1710142697
    [VERBOSE] [2024-03-11 07:43:02] 2_options = Array ( [code] => [start] => 1710142697 [amount] => 18232 [databaseExist] => false [continueFile] => [continueSeek] => [dbFinished] => [firstDB] => false [db_xi] => 0 [ini_start] => 0 [v3RestoreUsed] => 1 [dbFoundPrefix] => wp
    [storage] => ABSPATH/wp-content/backup_path [step] => 8 )
    [VERBOSE] [2024-03-11 07:43:02] 2_action = backup_migration
    [VERBOSE] [2024-03-11 07:43:02] 2_token = bmi
    [VERBOSE] [2024-03-11 07:43:02] 2_nonce = bfb75267bd
    [VERBOSE] [2024-03-11 07:43:02] 2_f = restore-backup
    [VERBOSE] [2024-03-11 07:43:02] Front End Ajax Error END
    [ERROR] [2024-03-11 07:43:02] Browser-side error detected, the process will try to restart with alternative methods, otherwise it will throw error window.
    [VERBOSE] [2024-03-11 07:43:02] Browser-side error detected, the process will try to restart with alternative methods, otherwise it will throw error window. [DOWNLOAD GEGENEREERD] Bestand gedownload op (servertijd) 2024-03-11 08:05:09
    [DOWNLOAD GEGENEREERD] Laatste update (seconden) 1328 seconden geleden
    [DOWNLOAD GEGENEREERD] Laatste update (datum) 2024-03-11 07:43:01
Viewing 5 replies - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
  • Plugin Support MixHa


    Hello @degroeifabriek ,

    Please avoid pasting the complete log on this forum, instead, just describe the issue briefly and paste the debug code. This way you will avoid sharing any sensitive information.

    Please navigate to the plugin section Troubleshooting > Check advanced options and click on the button:
    Share debug info with BackupBliss team

    And here’s a screenshot that shows where to get it: https://prnt.sc/lKbjrSAqQudm

    Please paste the debug code in your reply.

    Kind regards

    Thread Starter degroeifabriek


    Hi Mixha,

    This is the debug code I got: BMI-pQ48fCnW-81194

    Thread Starter degroeifabriek


    Is the debug code I shared enough for you to able to fix the problem?

    Plugin Author iClyde


    Hi @degroeifabriek

    My apologies for delayed reply.

    The process was cancelled by some kind of security check like rate-limiting or human verification.

    Here’s part of the response from your server that cancelled the process:

    Checking your browser before accessing sprankelwijze.bekijkhier.be /** * [js-sha256]{@link https://github.com/emn178/js-sha256} * * @version 0.9.0 * @author Chen, Yi-Cyuan

    There is high chance that it’s part of your hosting provider security solution.

    Please upgrade our plugin and try again with v1.4.5 it may help as it contain new request middleware.

    Otherwise you will need to disable this browser checking feature on your site.

    Let me know If that helps ??
    Thank you!

    Plugin Support MixHa


    Hello @degroeifabriek ,

    We haven’t heard from you since, so I’ll assume that the issue is resolved and will close this support thread. If you face any new issues, please feel free to open a new thread.

    Kind regards

Viewing 5 replies - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
  • The topic ‘Restore stops at 89%’ is closed to new replies.