Restore stops at 89%
Hi, I am trying to restore a backup, but it gets stuck everytime around 80 – 90%. Last time it stopped at 89% while restoring the wp_yoast_primary_term datatable. The other times I tried it stopped at another table. Below I will paste my latest log file. Is there something I can do so that I will be able to restore my backup?
——————-[STEP] [2024-03-11 07:38:16] Het terugzet proces aan het starten
[WARN] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] PHP CLI is handmatig uitgezet, plugin zal alle PHP CLI stappen weglaten.
[SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Terugzet proces heeft gereageerd
[SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Migratieproces vergrendelen
[STEP] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Het terugzet proces aan het starten
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Backup & Migration versie: 1.4.3
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Aangepaste foutafhandeling initialiseren
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Site die wordt hersteld
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] PHP versie: 8.0.30
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] WP versie: 5.6.10
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] MySQL versie: 10.6.15
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] MySQL max. lengte: 1073741824
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Web server Apache
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Maximale uitvoeringstijd (in seconden) 300
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Geheugenlimiet (server): 536870912
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Geheugenlimiet (wp-config): 40M
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Geheugenlimiet (wp-config beheerder): 536870912
[SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Terugzet proces succesvol ge?nitialiseerd.
[STEP] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Vrije ruimte controleren…
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Controleren of er voldoende vrije ruimte is
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Vereist minstens 1539919473 bytes. [1.43 GB]
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Schijf vrije ruimtefunctie is niet uitgeschakeld - met behulp van het…
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Controleren van dit pad/partitie: ABSPATH/wp-content/backup_path/backups
[SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Er is 102,459,154.63 MB vrij. [97.71 TB]
[SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Super! We hebben genoeg ruimte.
[SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Confirmed, there is enough space on the device, checked: 1539919473 bytes.
[STEP] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Maken van nieuwe geheime sleutel voor huidig terugzet proces.
[SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Geheime sleutel gecre?erd, het wordt naar je teruggestuurd (ping).
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Geheime sleutel succesvol gedetecteerd (pong)!
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Tijdelijke folder maken
[STEP] [2024-03-11 07:38:17] Archief scannen…
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:18] Scan gevonden 18232 Bestanden in de back-up.
[STEP] [2024-03-11 07:38:18] Voorbereiden van batching extractie techniek…
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:18] Bestanden ge?xporteerd per batch: 500
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:18] Gebruiken van ZipArchive, we laten geheugen limiet berekeningen weg…
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:20] Extractie mijlpaal: 500/18233 (2.75%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:22] Extractie mijlpaal: 1000/18233 (5.49%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:24] Extractie mijlpaal: 1500/18233 (8.23%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:26] Extractie mijlpaal: 2000/18233 (10.97%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:28] Extractie mijlpaal: 2500/18233 (13.72%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:29] Extractie mijlpaal: 3000/18233 (16.46%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:31] Extractie mijlpaal: 3500/18233 (19.20%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:33] Extractie mijlpaal: 4000/18233 (21.94%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:36] Extractie mijlpaal: 4500/18233 (24.69%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:37] Extractie mijlpaal: 5000/18233 (27.43%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:40] Extractie mijlpaal: 5500/18233 (30.17%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:42] Extractie mijlpaal: 6000/18233 (32.91%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:44] Extractie mijlpaal: 6500/18233 (35.66%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:47] Extractie mijlpaal: 7000/18233 (38.40%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:49] Extractie mijlpaal: 7500/18233 (41.14%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:52] Extractie mijlpaal: 8000/18233 (43.88%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:54] Extractie mijlpaal: 8500/18233 (46.62%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:38:57] Extractie mijlpaal: 9000/18233 (49.37%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:39:00] Extractie mijlpaal: 9500/18233 (52.11%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:39:03] Extractie mijlpaal: 10000/18233 (54.85%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:39:05] Extractie mijlpaal: 10500/18233 (57.59%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:39:08] Extractie mijlpaal: 11000/18233 (60.34%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:39:11] Extractie mijlpaal: 11500/18233 (63.08%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:39:13] Extractie mijlpaal: 12000/18233 (65.82%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:39:16] Extractie mijlpaal: 12500/18233 (68.56%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:39:18] Extractie mijlpaal: 13000/18233 (71.30%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:39:21] Extractie mijlpaal: 13500/18233 (74.05%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:39:24] Extractie mijlpaal: 14000/18233 (76.79%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:39:26] Extractie mijlpaal: 14500/18233 (79.53%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:39:28] Extractie mijlpaal: 15000/18233 (82.27%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:39:31] Extractie mijlpaal: 15500/18233 (85.02%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:39:33] Extractie mijlpaal: 16000/18233 (87.76%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:39:36] Extractie mijlpaal: 16500/18233 (90.50%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:39:38] Extractie mijlpaal: 17000/18233 (93.24%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:39:40] Extractie mijlpaal: 17500/18233 (95.99%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:39:44] Extractie mijlpaal: 18000/18233 (98.73%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:39:46] Extractie mijlpaal: 18233/18233 (100.00%)
[SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:39:46] Bestanden uitgepakt…
[STEP] [2024-03-11 07:39:46] Wp-config-bestand opslaan…
[SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:39:46] Bestand wp-config opgeslagen
[STEP] [2024-03-11 07:39:47] Back-up manifest ophalen…
[SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:39:47] Manifest geladen
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:39:47] Backup Migration versie gebruikt voor die back-up: 1.2.7
[STEP] [2024-03-11 07:39:47] Bestanden terugzetten (dit proces kan even duren)…
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:39:54] Voortgang vervanging: 500/18199 (2%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:39:58] Voortgang vervanging: 1000/18199 (5%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:40:02] Voortgang vervanging: 1500/18199 (8%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:40:06] Voortgang vervanging: 2000/18199 (10%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:40:10] Voortgang vervanging: 2500/18199 (13%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:40:14] Voortgang vervanging: 3000/18199 (16%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:40:18] Voortgang vervanging: 3500/18199 (19%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:40:22] Voortgang vervanging: 4000/18199 (21%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:40:26] Voortgang vervanging: 4500/18199 (24%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:40:30] Voortgang vervanging: 5000/18199 (27%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:40:34] Voortgang vervanging: 5500/18199 (30%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:40:38] Voortgang vervanging: 6000/18199 (32%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:40:42] Voortgang vervanging: 6500/18199 (35%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:40:46] Voortgang vervanging: 7000/18199 (38%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:40:50] Voortgang vervanging: 7500/18199 (41%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:40:54] Voortgang vervanging: 8000/18199 (43%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:40:58] Voortgang vervanging: 8500/18199 (46%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:41:03] Voortgang vervanging: 9000/18199 (49%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:41:07] Voortgang vervanging: 9500/18199 (52%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:41:11] Voortgang vervanging: 10000/18199 (54%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:41:16] Voortgang vervanging: 10500/18199 (57%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:41:20] Voortgang vervanging: 11000/18199 (60%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:41:24] Voortgang vervanging: 11500/18199 (63%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:41:29] Voortgang vervanging: 12000/18199 (65%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:41:33] Voortgang vervanging: 12500/18199 (68%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:41:37] Voortgang vervanging: 13000/18199 (71%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:41:42] Voortgang vervanging: 13500/18199 (74%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:41:47] Voortgang vervanging: 14000/18199 (76%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:41:52] Voortgang vervanging: 14500/18199 (79%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:41:56] Voortgang vervanging: 15000/18199 (82%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:01] Voortgang vervanging: 15500/18199 (85%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:05] Voortgang vervanging: 16000/18199 (87%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:10] Voortgang vervanging: 16500/18199 (90%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:14] Voortgang vervanging: 17000/18199 (93%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:19] Voortgang vervanging: 17500/18199 (96%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:23] Voortgang vervanging: 18000/18199 (98%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:25] Voortgang vervanging: 18199/18199 (100%)
[SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:25] Alle bestanden zijn succesvol teruggezet.
[STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:25] Validating table prefix…
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:25] Table prefix in manifest: wp_
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:25] Detected table prefix: wp_
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:25] Splitsingsproces is uitgeschakeld omdat v3 terugzet engine is ingeschakeld.
[STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:25] De databasestructuur controleren…
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:25] Successfully detected backup created with v3 engine, importing…
[STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:25] Database terugzetten (met v4 engine)…
[STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:25] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_commentmeta 1/30 (3.33%) tabel
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:25] Vooruitgang van wp_commentmeta: 1/2 (50.00%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:26] Vooruitgang van wp_commentmeta: 2/2 (100.00%)
[SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:26] Tabel wp_commentmeta herstel duurde 1.08174 seconden
[STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:26] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_comments 2/30 (6.67%) tabel
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:26] Vooruitgang van wp_comments: 1/3 (33.33%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:26] Vooruitgang van wp_comments: 2/3 (66.67%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:26] Vooruitgang van wp_comments: 3/3 (100.00%)
[SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:26] Tabel wp_comments herstel duurde 0.60116 seconden
[STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:26] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_duplicator_packages 3/30 (10.00%) tabel
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:26] Vooruitgang van wp_duplicator_packages: 1/3 (33.33%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:26] Vooruitgang van wp_duplicator_packages: 2/3 (66.67%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:27] Vooruitgang van wp_duplicator_packages: 3/3 (100.00%)
[SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:27] Tabel wp_duplicator_packages herstel duurde 1.16724 seconden
[STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:27] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_eo_events 4/30 (13.33%) tabel
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:27] Vooruitgang van wp_eo_events: 1/3 (33.33%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:27] Vooruitgang van wp_eo_events: 2/3 (66.67%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:27] Vooruitgang van wp_eo_events: 3/3 (100.00%)
[SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:27] Tabel wp_eo_events herstel duurde 0.64513 seconden
[STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:27] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_eo_venuemeta 5/30 (16.67%) tabel
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:27] Vooruitgang van wp_eo_venuemeta: 1/3 (33.33%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:27] Vooruitgang van wp_eo_venuemeta: 2/3 (66.67%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:28] Vooruitgang van wp_eo_venuemeta: 3/3 (100.00%)
[SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:28] Tabel wp_eo_venuemeta herstel duurde 1.11581 seconden
[STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:28] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_inbound_events 6/30 (20.00%) tabel
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:28] Vooruitgang van wp_inbound_events: 1/2 (50.00%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:28] Vooruitgang van wp_inbound_events: 2/2 (100.00%)
[SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:28] Tabel wp_inbound_events herstel duurde 0.47438 seconden
[STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:28] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_inbound_page_views 7/30 (23.33%) tabel
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:28] Vooruitgang van wp_inbound_page_views: 1/5 (20.00%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:29] Vooruitgang van wp_inbound_page_views: 2/5 (40.00%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:29] Vooruitgang van wp_inbound_page_views: 3/5 (60.00%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:29] Vooruitgang van wp_inbound_page_views: 4/5 (80.00%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:30] Vooruitgang van wp_inbound_page_views: 5/5 (100.00%)
[SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:30] Tabel wp_inbound_page_views herstel duurde 2.12091 seconden
[STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:30] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_inbound_tracked_links 8/30 (26.67%) tabel
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:30] Vooruitgang van wp_inbound_tracked_links: 1/2 (50.00%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:30] Vooruitgang van wp_inbound_tracked_links: 2/2 (100.00%)
[SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:30] Tabel wp_inbound_tracked_links herstel duurde 0.45792 seconden
[STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:30] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_layerslider 9/30 (30.00%) tabel
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:30] Vooruitgang van wp_layerslider: 1/2 (50.00%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:30] Vooruitgang van wp_layerslider: 2/2 (100.00%)
[SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:30] Tabel wp_layerslider herstel duurde 0.80075 seconden
[STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:31] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_layerslider_revisions 10/30 (33.33%) tabel
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:31] Vooruitgang van wp_layerslider_revisions: 1/2 (50.00%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:31] Vooruitgang van wp_layerslider_revisions: 2/2 (100.00%)
[SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:31] Tabel wp_layerslider_revisions herstel duurde 0.27783 seconden
[STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:31] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_links 11/30 (36.67%) tabel
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:31] Vooruitgang van wp_links: 1/2 (50.00%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:31] Vooruitgang van wp_links: 2/2 (100.00%)
[SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:31] Tabel wp_links herstel duurde 0.75437 seconden
[STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:31] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_my_calendar 12/30 (40.00%) tabel
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:31] Vooruitgang van wp_my_calendar: 1/2 (50.00%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:32] Vooruitgang van wp_my_calendar: 2/2 (100.00%)
[SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:32] Tabel wp_my_calendar herstel duurde 1.21372 seconden
[STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:32] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_my_calendar_categories 13/30 (43.33%) tabel
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:32] Vooruitgang van wp_my_calendar_categories: 1/3 (33.33%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:32] Vooruitgang van wp_my_calendar_categories: 2/3 (66.67%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:32] Vooruitgang van wp_my_calendar_categories: 3/3 (100.00%)
[SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:32] Tabel wp_my_calendar_categories herstel duurde 0.88700 seconden
[STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:33] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_my_calendar_events 14/30 (46.67%) tabel
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:33] Vooruitgang van wp_my_calendar_events: 1/2 (50.00%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:33] Vooruitgang van wp_my_calendar_events: 2/2 (100.00%)
[SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:33] Tabel wp_my_calendar_events herstel duurde 0.25931 seconden
[STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:33] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_my_calendar_locations 15/30 (50.00%) tabel
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:33] Vooruitgang van wp_my_calendar_locations: 1/3 (33.33%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:33] Vooruitgang van wp_my_calendar_locations: 2/3 (66.67%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:33] Vooruitgang van wp_my_calendar_locations: 3/3 (100.00%)
[SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:33] Tabel wp_my_calendar_locations herstel duurde 0.73438 seconden
[STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:33] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_options 16/30 (53.33%) tabel
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:33] Vooruitgang van wp_options: 1/3 (33.33%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:34] Vooruitgang van wp_options: 2/3 (66.67%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:34] Vooruitgang van wp_options: 3/3 (100.00%)
[SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:34] Tabel wp_options herstel duurde 1.40260 seconden
[STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:34] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_postmeta 17/30 (56.67%) tabel
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:34] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 1/32 (3.13%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:35] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 2/32 (6.25%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:35] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 3/32 (9.38%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:35] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 4/32 (12.50%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:35] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 5/32 (15.63%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:36] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 6/32 (18.75%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:36] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 7/32 (21.88%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:36] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 8/32 (25.00%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:37] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 9/32 (28.13%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:37] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 10/32 (31.25%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:37] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 11/32 (34.38%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:37] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 12/32 (37.50%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:38] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 13/32 (40.63%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:38] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 14/32 (43.75%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:38] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 15/32 (46.88%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:38] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 16/32 (50.00%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:39] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 17/32 (53.13%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:39] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 18/32 (56.25%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:39] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 19/32 (59.38%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:40] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 20/32 (62.50%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:40] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 21/32 (65.63%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:40] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 22/32 (68.75%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:41] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 23/32 (71.88%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:41] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 24/32 (75.00%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:41] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 25/32 (78.13%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:42] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 26/32 (81.25%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:42] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 27/32 (84.38%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:42] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 28/32 (87.50%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:42] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 29/32 (90.63%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:43] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 30/32 (93.75%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:43] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 31/32 (96.88%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:43] Vooruitgang van wp_postmeta: 32/32 (100.00%)
[SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:43] Tabel wp_postmeta herstel duurde 9.73818 seconden
[STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:43] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_posts 18/30 (60.00%) tabel
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:44] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 1/45 (2.22%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:44] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 2/45 (4.44%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:44] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 3/45 (6.67%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:44] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 4/45 (8.89%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:45] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 5/45 (11.11%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:45] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 6/45 (13.33%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:45] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 7/45 (15.56%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:45] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 8/45 (17.78%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:46] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 9/45 (20.00%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:46] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 10/45 (22.22%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:46] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 11/45 (24.44%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:46] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 12/45 (26.67%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:47] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 13/45 (28.89%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:47] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 14/45 (31.11%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:47] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 15/45 (33.33%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:48] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 16/45 (35.56%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:48] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 17/45 (37.78%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:48] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 18/45 (40.00%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:48] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 19/45 (42.22%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:49] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 20/45 (44.44%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:49] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 21/45 (46.67%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:49] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 22/45 (48.89%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:49] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 23/45 (51.11%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:50] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 24/45 (53.33%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:50] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 25/45 (55.56%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:50] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 26/45 (57.78%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:51] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 27/45 (60.00%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:51] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 28/45 (62.22%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:51] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 29/45 (64.44%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:51] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 30/45 (66.67%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:52] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 31/45 (68.89%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:52] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 32/45 (71.11%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:53] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 33/45 (73.33%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:53] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 34/45 (75.56%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:53] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 35/45 (77.78%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:53] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 36/45 (80.00%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:54] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 37/45 (82.22%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:54] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 38/45 (84.44%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:54] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 39/45 (86.67%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:55] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 40/45 (88.89%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:55] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 41/45 (91.11%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:55] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 42/45 (93.33%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:56] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 43/45 (95.56%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:56] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 44/45 (97.78%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:56] Vooruitgang van wp_posts: 45/45 (100.00%)
[SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:56] Tabel wp_posts herstel duurde 13.72162 seconden
[STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:56] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_term_relationships 19/30 (63.33%) tabel
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:56] Vooruitgang van wp_term_relationships: 1/3 (33.33%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:57] Vooruitgang van wp_term_relationships: 2/3 (66.67%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:57] Vooruitgang van wp_term_relationships: 3/3 (100.00%)
[SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:57] Tabel wp_term_relationships herstel duurde 1.48239 seconden
[STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:57] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_term_taxonomy 20/30 (66.67%) tabel
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:57] Vooruitgang van wp_term_taxonomy: 1/3 (33.33%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:57] Vooruitgang van wp_term_taxonomy: 2/3 (66.67%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:58] Vooruitgang van wp_term_taxonomy: 3/3 (100.00%)
[SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:58] Tabel wp_term_taxonomy herstel duurde 1.13367 seconden
[STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:58] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_termmeta 21/30 (70.00%) tabel
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:58] Vooruitgang van wp_termmeta: 1/2 (50.00%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:58] Vooruitgang van wp_termmeta: 2/2 (100.00%)
[SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:58] Tabel wp_termmeta herstel duurde 0.48405 seconden
[STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:58] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_terms 22/30 (73.33%) tabel
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:58] Vooruitgang van wp_terms: 1/3 (33.33%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:58] Vooruitgang van wp_terms: 2/3 (66.67%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:58] Vooruitgang van wp_terms: 3/3 (100.00%)
[SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:58] Tabel wp_terms herstel duurde 0.98102 seconden
[STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:59] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_usermeta 23/30 (76.67%) tabel
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:59] Vooruitgang van wp_usermeta: 1/3 (33.33%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:59] Vooruitgang van wp_usermeta: 2/3 (66.67%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:59] Vooruitgang van wp_usermeta: 3/3 (100.00%)
[SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:59] Tabel wp_usermeta herstel duurde 0.52522 seconden
[STEP] [2024-03-11 07:42:59] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_users 24/30 (80.00%) tabel
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:59] Vooruitgang van wp_users: 1/3 (33.33%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:59] Vooruitgang van wp_users: 2/3 (66.67%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:42:59] Vooruitgang van wp_users: 3/3 (100.00%)
[SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:42:59] Tabel wp_users herstel duurde 0.97968 seconden
[STEP] [2024-03-11 07:43:00] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_wow_coder 25/30 (83.33%) tabel
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:43:00] Vooruitgang van wp_wow_coder: 1/2 (50.00%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:43:00] Vooruitgang van wp_wow_coder: 2/2 (100.00%)
[SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:43:00] Tabel wp_wow_coder herstel duurde 0.33254 seconden
[STEP] [2024-03-11 07:43:00] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_yoast_indexable 26/30 (86.67%) tabel
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:43:00] Opruimen van inhoud van wp_yoast_indexable tabel.
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:43:00] Vooruitgang van wp_yoast_indexable: 1/2 (50.00%)
[SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:43:00] Tabel wp_yoast_indexable herstel duurde 0.51812 seconden
[STEP] [2024-03-11 07:43:00] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_yoast_indexable_hierarchy 27/30 (90.00%) tabel
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:43:00] Vooruitgang van wp_yoast_indexable_hierarchy: 1/3 (33.33%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:43:00] Vooruitgang van wp_yoast_indexable_hierarchy: 2/3 (66.67%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:43:01] Vooruitgang van wp_yoast_indexable_hierarchy: 3/3 (100.00%)
[SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:43:01] Tabel wp_yoast_indexable_hierarchy herstel duurde 1.02196 seconden
[STEP] [2024-03-11 07:43:01] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_yoast_migrations 28/30 (93.33%) tabel
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:43:01] Vooruitgang van wp_yoast_migrations: 1/3 (33.33%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:43:01] Vooruitgang van wp_yoast_migrations: 2/3 (66.67%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:43:01] Vooruitgang van wp_yoast_migrations: 3/3 (100.00%)
[SUCCESS] [2024-03-11 07:43:01] Tabel wp_yoast_migrations herstel duurde 0.55000 seconden
[STEP] [2024-03-11 07:43:01] Gestard met terugzetten van wp_yoast_primary_term 29/30 (96.67%) tabel
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:43:01] Vooruitgang van wp_yoast_primary_term: 1/3 (33.33%)
[INFO] [2024-03-11 07:43:01] Vooruitgang van wp_yoast_primary_term: 2/3 (66.67%)
[VERBOSE] [2024-03-11 07:43:02] Front End Ajax Error START
[VERBOSE] [2024-03-11 07:43:02] call = restore-backup
[VERBOSE] [2024-03-11 07:43:02] 0_readyState = 4
[VERBOSE] [2024-03-11 07:43:02] 0_responseText = Checking your browser before accessing /** * [js-sha256]{@link} * * @version 0.9.0 * @author Chen, Yi-Cyuan [[email protected]] * @copyright Chen, Yi-Cyuan 2014-2017 * @license MIT / var a0_0x5e16b8=a0_0x21c9;function a0_0x21c9(0x8aa0a8,_0x465727){var _0x72c1c8=a0_0x72c1();return a0_0x21c9=function(_0x21c969,_0x56086f){_0x21c969=_0x21c969-0x190;var _0x31351d=_0x72c1c8[_0x21c969];return _0x31351d;},a0_0x21c9(_0x8aa0a8,_0x465727);}(function(_0x53ca44,_0x5ee17b){var _0x2ceee6=a0_0x21c9,_0x14bf78=_0x53ca44();while(!![]){try{var _0x3e5b8b=parseInt(_0x2ceee6(0x19a))/0x1+-parseInt(_0x2ceee6(0x1cb))/0x2+-parseInt(_0x2ceee6(0x1a0))/0x3(-parseInt(_0x2ceee6(0x1aa))/0x4)+-parseInt(_0x2ceee6(0x19c))/0x5+parseInt(_0x2ceee6(0x1ba))/0x6(parseInt(_0x2ceee6(0x19d))/0x7)+-parseInt(_0x2ceee6(0x1a1))/0x8(parseInt(_0x2ceee6(0x1bb))/0x9)+parseInt(_0x2ceee6(0x1a4))/0xa;if(_0x3e5b8b===_0x5ee17b)break;else _0x14bf78\'push\',_0x473ab2=[-0x80000000,0x800000,0x8000,0x80],_0xa90e3d=[0x18,0x10,0x8,0x0],_0x184906=[0x428a2f98,0x71374491,0xb5c0fbcf,0xe9b
[VERBOSE] [2024-03-11 07:43:02] 0_status = 503
[VERBOSE] [2024-03-11 07:43:02] 0_statusText = error
[VERBOSE] [2024-03-11 07:43:02] 1_x = restore-backup
[VERBOSE] [2024-03-11 07:43:02] 2_file = some_backup
[VERBOSE] [2024-03-11 07:43:02] 2_remote = false
[VERBOSE] [2024-03-11 07:43:02] 2_secret = 8TvjBnzR45nm9n4tnyqFkVLkmY56nauGOAqEX4BrlTMM3ot23smDVJnqkitZhvg5
[VERBOSE] [2024-03-11 07:43:02] 2_ignoreRunning = true
[VERBOSE] [2024-03-11 07:43:02] 2_tmpname = 1710142697
[VERBOSE] [2024-03-11 07:43:02] 2_options = Array ( [code] => [start] => 1710142697 [amount] => 18232 [databaseExist] => false [continueFile] => [continueSeek] => [dbFinished] => [firstDB] => false [db_xi] => 0 [ini_start] => 0 [v3RestoreUsed] => 1 [dbFoundPrefix] => wp [storage] => ABSPATH/wp-content/backup_path [step] => 8 )
[VERBOSE] [2024-03-11 07:43:02] 2_action = backup_migration
[VERBOSE] [2024-03-11 07:43:02] 2_token = bmi
[VERBOSE] [2024-03-11 07:43:02] 2_nonce = bfb75267bd
[VERBOSE] [2024-03-11 07:43:02] 2_f = restore-backup
[VERBOSE] [2024-03-11 07:43:02] Front End Ajax Error END
[ERROR] [2024-03-11 07:43:02] Browser-side error detected, the process will try to restart with alternative methods, otherwise it will throw error window.
[VERBOSE] [2024-03-11 07:43:02] Browser-side error detected, the process will try to restart with alternative methods, otherwise it will throw error window. [DOWNLOAD GEGENEREERD] Bestand gedownload op (servertijd) 2024-03-11 08:05:09
[DOWNLOAD GEGENEREERD] Laatste update (seconden) 1328 seconden geleden
[DOWNLOAD GEGENEREERD] Laatste update (datum) 2024-03-11 07:43:01
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Viewing 5 replies - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
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