Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 19 total)
  • Plugin Support Adam Dunnage


    Hi @grword, thanks for opening a support topic. I’d be happy to look into this for you. Could you please firstly confirm if the images you are uploading are JPEG images?

    If they are and they’re not being converted to WebP images, it’s possible that this is because the WebP Uploads plugin has identified that the WebP version of the uploaded JPEG image would have a larger file size than the original JPEG image, so it does not generate the WebP version.

    You could test this by trying with this image:?, taken from?this URL. This image should be converted to WebP.

    If you are still having issues with this then please feel free to share the images that you are uploading and I will happily test these on my side.

    Let me know if you have any questions on the above information.

    Thread Starter grword


    So I uploaded the tree photo and it didn’t work!

    or e.g.

    What happens when a web browser does not inspect web pages?

    • This reply was modified 7 months, 1 week ago by grword.
    • This reply was modified 7 months, 1 week ago by grword.
    Plugin Support Adam Dunnage


    @grword Thanks for the response. I have tested using the image I shared above and this looks to have worked and converted to WebP. I also tested using the image you supplied and this was also converted to WebP on my test site.

    Could you please go to your media library, click on the uploaded images and check the File URL field. Do the image file URLs end with . webp? If not then we can look into this further with you.

    If you are still having issues, could you please share your Site Health information here and I can check to see if there are any potential conflicts or misconfigurations that may be causing this to happen.

    Thread Starter grword


    no the url is still .jpg

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    Plugin Support Adam Dunnage


    @grword As nothing obvious stands out from reviewing your Site Health information, along with performing some checks on your site, please follow the steps below, which can help determine third party plugin, browser or extension related issues impacting Site Kit setup.

    1. Login to your live site from Chrome browser incognito window.
    2. Install and activate thHealth Check & Troubleshooting plugin.
    3. Navigate to “Plugins > Health Check & Troubleshooting > Troubleshoot”.
    4. From the same screen click on the “Available Plugins” tab at the top right and then click on the “Enable” option next to “WebP Uploads“.
    5. Attempt to upload an JPEG image once more.

    Does this make any difference while in troubleshooting mode? You might also want to try manually disabling all other plugins and trying an image upload to see if it is converted that time.

    If you are still facing the issue after the above I can suggest some further tests for you.

    Thread Starter grword


    I can’t turn off all plugins now, I’ll test that at night!

    Plugin Support Adam Dunnage


    @grword The first steps using the troubleshooting plugin will only disable plugins in the background so that only you can see the changes if there are any. It will not impact the website or what your users will see.

    As for manually disabling plugins I understand that you may need to do this later so I will await your response on both of these.

    Thread Starter grword



    troubleshooting mode makes no difference!

    The problem is, all the other plugins I need, I can’t remove them!

    • This reply was modified 7 months, 1 week ago by grword.
    Plugin Support Adam Dunnage


    @grword Thanks for confirming this. If you could also check by manually disabling other plugins that would be helpful.

    Another thing you can try is going to the TasteWP website and creating a temporary test WordPress site to test this on. You can install the WebP Uploads plugin and upload the same images without any other plugins on the test site to see if you experience the same behaviour.

    Thread Starter grword


    Of course this works via the website

    I can’t remove the other plugins if there is a conflict!

    I don’t understand why he did that for a few pictures and then stopped fuking!

    Plugin Support Adam Dunnage


    @grword I understand your frustration with this. At this stage I am not asking you to remove any plugins on your side and just simply asking if you could temporarily disable them one by one to see if you can highlight a conflict.

    The TasteWP site test was also to confirm that this is indeed a plugin conflict or something at host level. I will continue to test this on my side to try and replicate your issue but if you could test disabling plugins temporarily at some stage, that would help with our troubleshooting.

    Thanks once more for your patience while we troubleshoot this together.

    Thread Starter grword


    I turned off all plugins and it didn’t work!


    Plugin Support Adam Dunnage


    @grword Thanks for confirming. Could I please check with you who your hosting provider is? We would like to try and replicate this on the same host if possible.

    Thread Starter grword



    The site is on a server


    Plugin Support Adam Dunnage


    @grword While I perform some more checks from my side, could you please ensure that the WebP image format is supported on your current hosting setup.

    I will provide an update here once I have one for you.

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