• Resolved Cristiano Luchini


    I have the following scenario with a client of mine.

    I developed a CSV generator to facilitate my client in converting Excel spreadsheets to CSV, allowing product importation to WooCommerce.

    To simplify the importation process, we divided the product importation by material type.

    In other words, my client generates a CSV for products made of Steel, another for General material, another for Aluminum, and so on.

    I’m using WordPress version 6.4.3, with the language set to PT-BR. It’s essential to note that if you’re using the EN language, automatic mapping of products for importation won’t occur, and manual mapping will be necessary. Additionally, I’m setting the “;” character as the CSV delimiter.

    Furthermore, I am using WooCommerce version 8.7.0 as the only installed plugin. There are no other plugins in use.

    The theme in use is Twenty Twenty-Four version 1.0.

    The first CSV used in the product importation works as expected. However, the second CSV imports the products without assigning the value of the material used in the product variation.

    Here are the two CSV files used for product importation.
    Note: The CSV files have been simplified to contain only 6 products. The actual files have over a thousand products each.



    During the process, I began by importing the file toptolls-produtos-exaltt11-geral.csv and, as shown in the image from the link below, the import was completed successfully.


    When importing the second file, toptolls-product-exalt11-steel.csv, we noticed that the products are imported without the correct term linked to the variation regarding the alloy used. The image from the link below illustrates the product registered with the absence of the term related to the alloy variation.


    It is noticeable that starting from the second file to be imported, the new terms to be used in the variations are not registered, resulting in the product being imported without the correct link to the term.

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  • Plugin Support Zubair Zahid (woo-hc)


    Hello Cristiano Luchini

    Thanks for contacting WooCommerce support.

    I checked the toptolls-produto-exaltt11-aco CSV file you shared and compared the variations added in the CSV with the variations imported on your site.

    We have combinations of 3.0 with 3xD, 5xD, and 8xD and then combinations of 3.1 with 3xD, 5xD and 8xD.

    To my understanding, the CSV file contains the same data as it is imported to the site. Please correct me if I am wrong and tell me which combinations are you expecting on your site.

    I look forward to your response. ??

    Thread Starter Cristiano Luchini


    Hello, Zubair.

    From what I understand, it seems that we are only considering two out of the three variations present in the registration of this product.

    In the first imported file, where the importation occurs as expected, the products are registered as follows:

    Alloy – Measurement 1 – Measurement 2
    Geral – 3.0 – 3xD
    Geral – 3.0 – 5xD
    Geral – 3.0 – 8xD
    Geral – 3.1 – 3xD
    Geral – 3.1 – 5xD
    Geral – 3.1 – 8xD

    However, when importing the second file, the metal alloy is changed, which means that six more variations should be added to the product. However, during the importation, the alloy variation is left empty, not being imported, resulting in the following:

    Alloy – Measurement 1 – Measurement 2
    Any alloy – 3.0 – 3xD
    Any alloy – 3.0 – 5xD
    Any alloy – 3.0 – 8xD
    Any alloy – 3.1 – 3xD
    Any alloy – 3.1 – 5xD
    Any alloy – 3.1 – 8xD

    The correct should be:

    Alloy – Measurement 1 – Measurement 2
    A?o – 3.0 – 3xD
    A?o – 3.0 – 5xD
    A?o – 3.0 – 8xD
    A?o – 3.1 – 3xD
    A?o – 3.1 – 5xD
    A?o – 3.1 – 8xD

    In the end, I imported a file with six variations and then another file with six more variations, totaling 12 variations for the product.

    However, when importing the second file, it fails to register the new value “A?o” for the Alloy attribute, resulting in incorrectly imported products.

    Plugin Support Zubair Zahid (woo-hc)


    Hello Cristiano Luchini

    Thank you for the detailed explanation.
    This makes everything crystal clear.

    Next, I want to replicate your issue on my test site and diagnose it further.
    To do that, I need to match my site settings with your site.

    Could you share your site’s System Status Report?
    You can find it via WooCommerce > Status.
    Select Get system report and then Copy for support.

    Once you’ve done that, you can paste the text in https://gist.github.com
    After that, you can paste the Gist link here in your reply.

    I look forward to your response. ??

    Thread Starter Cristiano Luchini


    Plugin Support omarfpg a11n


    Hi @cristianoluchini, before proceeding, I’d like to test a theory, as I think the issue lies with the cedilla “?” being shown like “?§” in the spreadsheet.

    Can you confirm this issue is only present for variations with such special characters? Can you try replacing the special character back to “?” on the CSV file and try an import like that? Please make sure that the CSV file is saved with UTF-8 encoding to import special character data.?If you are using MS Excel, choose to save the file as “Unicode CSV”.


    Thread Starter Cristiano Luchini


    Hello Omarfog.

    I have already performed the test by replacing the alloys “Geral” and “A?o” with “Test1” and “Test2”, that is, without using special characters, and yet the reported problem persists.

    To make this replacement, you can open the CSV file in a text editor, such as Visual Studio Code or Windows Notepad, and perform the replace as mentioned above.

    Plugin Support omarfpg a11n



    I have already performed the test by replacing the alloys “Geral” and “A?o” with “Test1” and “Test2”, that is, without using special characters, and yet the reported problem persists.

    I’m assuming “Test 1” and “Test 2” are not defined as your product’s attributes to be used as variations, which is what I think could be the issue with “A?o” / “A?§o”.

    Can you share more details as to which plugin you’re using to import your variable products? I’d like to test this firsthand.


    Thread Starter Cristiano Luchini



    I’m just using the WooCommerce plugin.

    ?? hey @cristianoluchini

    For handling extensive imports, we recommend using the?Product CSV Import Suite. This extension supports the import of thousands of products, including complex ones and custom data from extensions like Product Vendors, Brands, Google Product Feed, and more.

    Keep in mind, if you want to try our products, you can leverage our 30-day refund policy. In a nutshell, it gives you 30 days to try it out, and if the product doesn’t work the way you need or you think another product would work better, we are more than happy to offer a full refund.?You’ll find the details of our refund policy here.

    I trust that points you in the right direction, but if you have more questions, let us know.

    We’re happy to help.



    We haven’t heard back from you in a while, so I’m going to mark this as resolved – we’ll be here if and/or when you are ready to continue.

    Thread Starter Cristiano Luchini


    Hello Pope.

    I will not use premium plugin for standard WooCommerce functionality.

    And the problem of incorrectly importing variations when the import is divided into more than one file still exists.

    Plugin Support omarfpg a11n


    Hi @cristianoluchini,

    I took some time to play with this and test both my theories and I’m happy to tell you I’ve figured it out.

    The problem wasn’t with the encoding for the portuguese characters (theory #1), as I tried deleting the product entirely and running that file alone and it worked fine.

    So the problem was with my theory #2 that the product attributes were not created. And this happens because when you run the importer for the second time you skip the base product and only add variations. By doing this you’re not adding the new attribute to the base product, so the variations don’t have that attribute to be set.

    Thus the solution is fairly simple, if you will split your import into multiple files, after running the first one that creates the base product, please manually add all the other attributes missing so when you run the other imports they’ll find the attribute and use it!

    I hope this makes sense!


    Thread Starter Cristiano Luchini


    Hi @omarfpg

    I understand your point but in everyday life it doesn’t work like that.

    On a daily basis, the product may include new measurements and thus have many new variations.

    When importing the file with these new measurements, the product is broken by the process that you were able to simulate based on my reports.

    The issue really is that on a day-to-day basis it is a lot of work for the company to have to register all the measurements that will be used for the new variation before importing the CSV.

    In the example CSV I provided, there are 3 products. The real file has more than 5 thousand possible variations today and can grow even more as the factory develops new products with different measurements.

    We are currently doing what you recommend, but it is a very time-consuming and costly process for the company.

    Plugin Support Zubair Zahid (woo-hc)


    Hello Cristiano Luchini

    Thank you for your reply.

    I understand this is not the optimal solution but you need to create the attribute manually before running the import process.

    Please don’t hesitate to contact us again if you have more questions or concerns. We are here to help ??

    Best regards.

    Thread Starter Cristiano Luchini


    I want to share some reflections on an issue that has been bothering me recently.

    Firstly, I’d like to inform that I won’t keep reiterating here that the problem still persists. I’m tired of this process. However, I feel the need to express some grievances.

    Now I understand why many of my clients reject proposals when they see that the platform used is WooCommerce. I’ve always questioned the reason for these rejections, and they usually say they never want to deal with WooCommerce again. Typically, they cite lack of support as the main reason. Before, I thought the lack of support might be from the developers they hired, but it could be that the support they refer to is from the platform itself.

    It seems that the problem was identified by the WooCommerce support team, but it was simply ignored. It’s easier to tell the customer to figure it out on their own, like suggesting they jot down the new attribute values and enter them first. Do you have any idea what it’s like to say that to a customer who expects the CSV to do that for them? Additionally, the importer itself displays the message that existing SKUs will be ignored and new SKUs will be registered. However, they end up being registered with errors because the attribute values are lost in this process. And it’s no use saying that it’s easy to register a new value for the attribute. That would be valid if we were dealing with just a few attributes and values, but we’re talking about situations where a single attribute can have thousands of values, which makes it very laborious to identify the new values.

    Finally, I believe it would be useful to have a status not only of “Resolved” but also of “Ignored,” as it would better reflect the feeling of having a problem neglected after opening a ticket here.

    Well, to conclude, I would like to thank everyone and apologize for my venting. See you later.

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