• Resolved Unreal_NFS


    Hello there!

    Can you please bring in this widget into ASE ?

    It’s a simple widget with useful details. Even if the PHP memory usage is not displayed it is ok – as the QueryMonitor does even better. These details can be found in the — Tools > Site Health > Info – Directories and Sizes, Server.

    A dashboard widget can be easy to monitor.

    Also, the Database Server version is a good and must-know info.

    This feature can be a great added value for ASE. Earlier, WP Adminify plugin had pretty much the same widget with the same details.


    My Simple Space – https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/my-simple-space/

    SCREENSHOT: https://freeimage.host/i/JwEcD4R

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  • I made one but it old AF below is the full code for those who care

    • This reply was modified 11 months, 1 week ago by DJABHipHop.

    Plugin Name: PHP Memery Stats
    Plugin URI: 
    Description: This Plugin show how much ram PHP is Usiing
    Version: 1.0
    Author: My Name
    Author URI: https://example.com/
    License: GPLv2 or later
    add_action( 'wp_dashboard_setup', 'memory_usage_setup' );
    function memory_usage_setup() {
            'Memory Usage',
            $control_callback = null
    function bytesToSize($bytes, $precision = 2)
        $kilobyte = 1024;
        $megabyte = $kilobyte * 1024;
        $gigabyte = $megabyte * 1024;
        $terabyte = $gigabyte * 1024;
        if (($bytes >= 0) && ($bytes < $kilobyte)) {
            return $bytes . ' B';
        } elseif (($bytes >= $kilobyte) && ($bytes < $megabyte)) {
            return round($bytes / $kilobyte, $precision) . ' KB';
        } elseif (($bytes >= $megabyte) && ($bytes < $gigabyte)) {
            return round($bytes / $megabyte, $precision) . ' MB';
        } elseif (($bytes >= $gigabyte) && ($bytes < $terabyte)) {
            return round($bytes / $gigabyte, $precision) . ' GB';
        } elseif ($bytes >= $terabyte) {
            return round($bytes / $terabyte, $precision) . ' TB';
        } else {
            return $bytes . ' B';
    function get_dir_size($directory){
        $size = 0;
        $files= glob($directory.'/*');
        foreach($files as $path){
            is_file($path) && $size += filesize($path);
            is_dir($path) && get_dir_size($path);
        return $size;
    function PluginUrl() {
            //Try to use WP API if possible, introduced in WP 2.6
            if (function_exists('plugins_url')) return trailingslashit(dirname(__FILE__));
            //Try to find manually... can't work if wp-content was renamed or is redirected
            $path = dirname(__FILE__);
            $path = str_replace("\\","/",$path);
            $path = trailingslashit(get_bloginfo('wpurl')) . trailingslashit(substr($path,strpos($path,"wp-content/")));
            return $path;
    function secondsToTime($seconds)
    	// extract hours
    	$hours = floor($seconds / (60 * 60));
    	// extract minutes
    	$divisor_for_minutes = $seconds % (60 * 60);
    	$minutes = floor($divisor_for_minutes / 60);
    	// extract the remaining seconds
    	$divisor_for_seconds = $divisor_for_minutes % 60;
    	$seconds = ceil($divisor_for_seconds);
    	// return the final array
    	$obj = array(
    		"h" => (int) $hours,
    		"m" => (int) $minutes,
    		"s" => (int) $seconds,
    	return implode(':', $obj);
    function get_dir_url($directory,$r="",$s="php-mem/") {
    	return str_replace($s,$r,$directory);
    function memory_usage_dashboard_content() {
    	echo '<div id="activity-widget">';
    	echo '<div id="published-posts" class="activity-block">';
        echo "<h4>System Info</h4>";
    	echo "<ul>";
    	echo "<li>Operating System <span>".php_uname('s')."</li>";
    	echo "<li>Release Name <span>".php_uname('r')."</li>";
    	echo "<li>Version <span>".php_uname('v')."</li>";
    	echo "<li>Machine Type <span>".php_uname('m')."</li>";
    	echo "</ul>";
        echo "</div>";
        echo '<div id="published-posts" class="activity-block">';
        echo "<h4>Menory Usage</h4>";
    	echo "<ul>";
        echo "<li>Total ram being used <span>".bytesToSize(memory_get_usage())."</span></li>";
    	echo "<li>Actule ram being used <span>".bytesToSize(memory_get_peak_usage())."</span></li>";
    	echo "</ul>";
    	echo "</div>";
    	echo '<div id="published-posts" class="activity-block">';
        echo "<h4>Disk Space</h4>";
    	echo "<ul>";
    	echo "<li>Root directory size <span>".bytesToSize(get_dir_size("./"))."</span></li>";
    	echo "<li>Plugin directory size <span>".bytesToSize(get_dir_size(get_dir_url(PluginUrl())))."</span></li>";
    	echo "<li>Uploades directory size <span>".bytesToSize(get_dir_size(get_dir_url(PluginUrl(),"uploads/","plugins/php-mem/")))."</span></li>";
    	echo "<li>Themes directory size <span>".bytesToSize(get_dir_size(get_dir_url(PluginUrl(),"themes/","plugins/php-mem/")))."</span></li>";
    	echo "<li>Active Themes directory size <span>".bytesToSize(get_dir_size(get_dir_url(PluginUrl(),"themes/".trailingslashit(get_current_theme()),"plugins/php-mem/")))."</span></li>";
    	echo "</ul>";
        echo "</div>";
    	echo '<div id="published-posts" class="activity-block">';
        echo "<h4>Wordpress Speed</h4>";
    	echo "<ul>";
    	echo "<li>Query per second <span>".get_num_queries()." queries in "./*secondsToTime(*/timer_stop(1)/*)*/." seconds</span></li>";
    	echo "</ul>";
        echo "</div>";
    	echo "</div>";
    Plugin Author Bowo


    @unrealnfs thanks for the suggestion. I’ve used that plugin in the past. Looks like a good feature to add to ASE as a Pro feature to the Utilities >> Display System Summary module. Hope that’s fine. I’ll likely only add DB, site and folder sizes.

    Note that I’ve done something similar as part of my other free plugin, System Dashboard, which you may also be interested in.

    Thread Starter Unreal_NFS


    That will be great!

    Also, there was a small issue with the “My Simple Space” plugin.

    There is a plugin “Hide My WP Ghost – Security Plugin” with which we can change the admin URL “wp-admin” to anything else for added security. But, doing so breaks the “My Simple Space” widget. So, please do make ASE compatible with this.

    Thanks for considering the feature


    P.S. Why not use the “Admin and Site Enhancements (ASE)” rather than just the word “Enhancement” within the WP backend? It will be great for the branding — it doesn’t matter an extra few words.

    Plugin Author Bowo


    Noted. Because the gist of ASE is in the word ‘enhancements’ and I like to keep menu item titles short and sweet. ??

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