Need Recommendation for Gallery Plugin with Thumbnail Captions
Hi guys. I need a gallery plugin that will perform two specific tasks:
- I need the title or caption to be superimposed over the thumbnail similar to the page that is linked here. On this page, I created thumbnails in my photo editor the way that I need them to look (the captions in my example are part of the image).
- I need to be able to turn each thumbnail into a link, so that I can point it to a product page.
I don’t mind paying for it. I tried to upgrade one called “Envira”, and while they offered captions, it looked terrible.
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
There are many free gallery plugins available. Review them and see if any meets your requirements: I spent a couple hours installing plugins earlier today. None of them had the appearance I needed in the free version, and I didn’t want to keep paying for premium versions only to reach a dead end like I did with Envira. Maybe I’ll try my luck with some additional plugins. I can’t believe that after all the challenges I faced, I am finally at a standstill so close to the end of having my site done.
If a gallery plugin’s HTML output is appropriately structured, it doesn’t matter if the caption or title is superimposed over the image or not. Superimposition can be achieved with some custom CSS. The important HTML structural feature is that either both thumbnail and caption are linkable; or the overall image/caption container is linkable.
Some plugin’s HTML output is customizable via filter hooks. If so, some custom PHP code could possibly ensure you get a useful HTML structure if it’s not available by default.
When we cannot find a plugin that does exactly what we want, often the next best solution is to find a plugin that matches our needs as close as possible, then further customize it to suit.
Thank you for your response. I did take an HTML and CSS class but it was 15 or 20 years ago, and I forgot most of it. If I can’t find a plugin with this design option, I will have to figure out how to do what you recommend. When I try to view the HTML in the block editor for the gallery, it only shows the “short code”. Anyway, thank you!
CSS has advanced a lot since then! HTML less so. Having an aptitude for coding is more important than remembering any specifics. Check the HTML using your browser’s element inspector tool. Typically you can right-click on a gallery thumbnail and select “Inspect”. Specifics vary by browser and O/S types. You can also fiddle with the CSS within the inspector tool to move the caption up over the image, change background, etc. Changes in the tool do not persist. If you find appropriate CSS changes you want to keep, copy them to the Additional CSS section of the customizer or style book.
The fact the gallery output is via shortcode means the chances of customizing HTML is good. Find the shortcode’s handler function in the plugin’s source code. See if it provides any filter hooks you could use to modify the HTML (calls to
).If all else fails, copy the handler function to your own plugin and rename it. Modify as desired. Use
to register your function as a new shortcode, then use that in content instead of the plugin’s. This does require some PHP knowledge, but if you’re adventurous you can likely muddle through without much knowledge. Basically a learn as you go process.Thank you. I don’t know any PHP. I found a gallery plugin by 10web that allows a great number of customization and 9 free gallery styles, and I will try to apply your CSS suggestion to modify where my captions are located (over the thumbnail). Tech Support at Envira showed me how to add CSS to modify the caption, so I think I just need to figure out how to do the same with the 10web gallery, located here:
I would rather use 10webs free gallery, which has more options than Envira’s “Basic” plan.So to fix the captions in the Envira gallery, they told me to go to Astra/Customize/Additional CSS and paste the following code into the textbox:
.envira-gallery-item-inner .envira-title {
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
text-align: center;
color: #fff;
background-color: #00000080;
padding-top: 10px;
padding-bottom: 10px;
So to fix the 10web gallery linked in the thread above, I would need to find the equivalent name to replace “.envira-gallery-item-inner and .envira-title” right? And I would do this by right clicking on the thumbnail and selecting “inspect” which shows the HTML and CSS code. I feel like I’m almost to a solution. Forgive me, it has been years and I only took the one class, but this feels like it should be simple to figure out.The class I need to amend is somewhere in here right? Is it “skip-lazy bwg-masonry-thumb bwg_masonry_thumb_0”?
This reply was modified 10 months, 3 weeks ago by
No… that was the wrong selection. I’m really trying to figure out the code on my own but I may need help. The class that I need to modify is in here, right? But I tried to modify “bwg-title1” and “bwg-title2” individually and in combination and none of those worked. Any suggestions as to what my amended CSS code snippet needs to be?
You only need to position
is contained within title1. But first you need to relative position the anchor link so the title1 absolute positioning is relative to the anchor instead of the overall gallery.a.bwg-a { position: relative; } .bwg-title1 { position: absolute; top: 50px }
You’ll want to apply a small white drop-shadow so the text is readable over darker image areas. If you apply a drop shadow in all 4 cardinal directions it’ll appear like an outline
Thank you! I copied your code and changed it a little. I have a hazy understanding of how this is working. That first code snippet enabled the second one to position correctly. I don’t want dark font with a white outline, just a white font. But when I put color: white; the color remains dark gray. Is there a way to make the font white and why is the last thumbnail lower than the rest? (UPDATE: I just realized that the last thumbnail is lower than the rest only in the gallery “preview” but the actual page does not have that problem so that doesn’t seem to be an issue – disregard).
But why isn’t my font white? I’m so close! Thanks again for your help!!a.bwg-a {
position: relative;
}.bwg-title1 {
position: absolute;
color: white;
background-color: #00000080;
padding-top: 5px;
padding-bottom: 5px;
bottom: 0px;
}For white titles you need to use the same selectors which are used to define the default color. This gives your rule the same precedence level. Then as long as your rule occurs after the default, it will be used in place of the default. Rules added to Additional CSS almost always occur after any rules in external stylesheets. This should work:
#bwg_container1_0 #bwg_container2_0 .bwg-container-0.bwg-standard-thumbnails .bwg-title2 { color: white; }
As long as you have a dark semi-transparent background, white with no outline should be fine. If there were no background you’d want a dark outline so letters are readable over light image areas.
So I added that code to my CSS and it didn’t change the font color, but then I realized something. One of the reasons I wanted to switch from Envira to 10Web gallery plugin is that 10Web has many more options in their user interface (they have more options in their free interface than Envira in their paid version). They don’t have caption positioning but they do have text color! Duh. So I just went in and switched it to white, with the rest of your CSS code from before pasted into the customizer. Anyway, I really appreciate your help, as you aren’t being paid to help me. Are you in the US? I’d like to send you a $20 tip for your help. Do you have Venmo?
I appreciate your thoughtful offer of compensation. However, it’s against our forum guidelines to offer or accept compensation of any sort. You were obviously unaware, you’re not in any sort of trouble by doing so. Just refrain from doing it in the future.
You can be assured that your grateful appreciation of my efforts is an adequate reward for me.
Oh sure. I didn’t know. Well then thank you so much for the kind help!
This reply was modified 10 months, 3 weeks ago by
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