• I have a big problem with one of my WordPress sites. Yesterday, it stopped working. Right before I had removed som DNS records (mail, pop3, imap and SMTP).

    My hosting company provides an extra domain adress if your (ie domain.com) doesn’t work. Clicking on the special adress a message pops up. It’s in Swedish but translated it’s something like this: “you need another Google Maps API key on this website. You can create one at ttp://code.google.com/apis/maps/signup.html.”

    Trying to load my website with “https://domain.com” does not work. I have two more website in the same web hosting account and the work!

    Now, obviously I have re-entered the 4 DNS records just in case, but I need som help in figuring out what the problem is. Is it related to the Google Maps thingy or somting else? Any ideas on how to fix the problem?

    Thanks in advance!

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