• Resolved gbordormor22


    Missveronica (@missveron0catv)

    I have enabled Birthday Email Template, and I have set the time as you can see here– https://prnt.sc/7zm3UVl_1uCb

    Again, today is 22 April, 2024, and I have changed the Birthday of my users to 22 April, 2024— so that I can test to see if they will receive the Birthday Emails, as you can see here– https://prnt.sc/1e-nvhIMzPVI

    Unfortunately, none of them received the Birthday Emails.

    What do you think could be wrong?

    How do I fix whatever problem is wrong, so that my users can receive this Birthday Email?

    2.) can you create a Logging system within the same Birthday Email Template Page– so that we can track Birthday messages that got sent, those that didn’t get sent, and those that are pending.

    Can you extend your plugin to have this Logging Feature, so that we can see why our Emails are not getting sent?


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  • @gbordormor22

    Verify that your WP cron job: um_cron_birthday_greet_notification
    is executing hourly by using the “Advanced Cron Manager” plugin.


    From the plugin documentation for current version:

    UM meta_key
    um_birthday_greeted_last in Y/m/d format when last email “Happy Birthday” was sent to the User.

    You can add a column for this meta_key to your WP All Users listing
    by using the “Additional User Columns” plugin


    Thread Starter gbordormor22


    I have installed the “Advanced Cron Manager” plugin.

    When I viewed the settings, it showed me this— https://prnt.sc/R7MdF9W4snTM

    1.) Does this mean that my Cron job is executing Hourly?

    If Yes, why then are my Emails not getting sent?

    1b.) You are sure there isn’t some code snippet somewhere, that I still need to insert, before this your plugin can work properly?

    Welcome Email, Password Reset, and other Emails that came default with Ultimate Member, get sent without any stress and without any incident.

    But this Birthday matter has dragged on for so long.

    Since Ultimate Member created the Birthday Code example here ( https://docs.ultimatemember.com/article/1765-send-birthday-greetings-to-accounts-with-today-s-birthdays )

    It means that Ultimate Member is aware that this Birthday feature is a highly wanted feature.

    Can Ultimate Member Please take the bold step, and move that code from being a code example, to becoming a Core feature of Ultimate Member?

    You see, the stress that I am having to go through on this Birthday matter, and the stress that I feel I am having to take you through on this Birthday matter, is becoming heavily frustrating and annoying to me.

    You guys have the solution to the problem staring us straight in the face. You can simply take the bold step, and move that code from being a code example, to becoming a Core feature of Ultimate Member.

    But you guys have simple refused to do it. I can’t seem to understand why you guys are pointlessly adamant and proving stubborn to implement it.

    Why is that?

    3.) I installed AutomatorWP ( https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/automatorwp ) sometime ago, then I applied conditions where– I picked usermeta, and value=”birthday” metakey. The condition is “ends with“, where the value pair is Date in Month and Day, as seen here– https://ibb.co/D8ZqQTT

    Once those values were in place, it simply searched the database, found those values, and sent the Emails without stress, and without needing us to install other additional plugins to support it.

    Can You Please, just perfect this your Happy Birthday plugin, so that it can just automatically do its job, without needing to stress us and without any incident?


    Remove the um_do2_birthday_greet_notification cron job with “Cron Manager”
    it’s created by the UM code example and delete also the UM code example
    from your child theme’s functions.php file

    • This reply was modified 7 months, 1 week ago by missveronica.
    Thread Starter gbordormor22


    I have removed the um_do2_birthday_greet_notification cron job with “Cron Manager”.

    I have also deleted the UM code example from my child theme’s functions.php file (Although, I used code snippets plugin).

    Then I set the time to 16-17– so that my users whose Birthdays are today, can still receive the Birthday Email by 4 to 5pm today.

    Nothing happened. No Email was received.

    What else can I do?

    Now, do you still think this is not a bug in the plugin that you still need to fix?



    Look at the meta_key um_birthday_greeted_last for the Users with birthday today, if you have got a date in that field or if it’s empty.

    Thread Starter gbordormor22


    I didn’t see any meta_key called um_birthday_greeted_last from the list of my events, through Cron Manager plugin.

    Do I need to do anything to have a Cron Event called um_birthday_greeted_last ?

    What is the way forward on this matter?



    No it’s not a cron event.

    um_birthday_greeted_last is a meta_key UM User field value for each user ID.

    You can add a column for this meta_key to your WP All Users listing
    by using the “Additional User Columns” plugin


    Thread Starter gbordormor22


    From this point on, this plugin is becoming too complicated and too frustrating.

    I didn’t sign up for this kind of frustration, that I am not yet sure of where it will lead.

    You see, when users Signed up, they received a Welcome Email without stress.

    When they want to reset their Password, they receive a reset Password Email without stress.

    I expected, that once I install this “Happy Birthday” plugin, and set the Hour, it will just automatically do its job without giving me extra stress.

    I don’t understand anything there, nor do I understand anything else you want me to do.

    Since you said um_birthday_greeted_last is a meta_key UM User field value for each user ID.

    Where do I find it, and how do I make it useful to me? — to be able to get my Birthday Emails to get sent?

    Can you perfect this happy Birthday plugin– so that it can do its job without needing to stress us?

    And by “do its job“, I mean, we install this Happy Birthday plugin, then set the Hour. And that should be the end of it.

    The plugin from then on, should just automatically start working, without giving us any other extra stress.

    Can you Please make the plugin function naturally in this seamless and easy way?


    Plugin Support andrewshu


    Hello @gbordormor22

    I close this topic because you discuss functions out of the UM core functionality and this thread has been inactive for a while.


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