Hi @itapress ,
Sorry for the late response.
>>>I am referring to the placeholder string “Enter one password per line” which uses the?esc_attr()?function and not the?esc_attr__()?function which allows translation. Then the text domain should also be corrected from?‘wp-protect-password’?to?PPW_Constants::DOMAIN.
Yes, we have already fixed it in version 1.9.2 by replacing ‘wp-protect-password’ with PPW_Constants::DOMAIN.
>>>But I think it’s better to delete the unnecessary?text domain?reference where is ‘<?php?echo?esc_html(?$password,?PPW_Constants::DOMAIN?);??>
‘ in this line:
Thank you again for your feedback. We truly appreciate it.
I have notified our development team, and they will remove any unnecessary text domains in the plugin in the next version.