• Hi there, and thanks in the advance for looking at my topic. My website is here and my problem is that i have a single white background for the whole theme.

    What I mean is that the left side near the main content and right one near the right sidebar should have a different color, let’s say as here

    Is there any way to make this without advanced coding?

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  • What you wanna do is open up style.css of you theme and put this inside already existing body like so.

    For the background in the body you might want to put your own image which also should be repeating and physical size only as wide as it takes for your pattern to repeat ..incase theres just horizontal lines you should go with 1px wide image..

    Also the height of that image should be long enough to reach the bottom of your menu

    So you wanna open up your themes style.css file and read more bellow.. ??

    the code:

    #header tags background in there.. is up to you… use it or dont..
    You wanna add everything you dont have already in your style.css file or if there already is letsay “background: ;” just replace the ones you already have there and ONLY the code between the brackets { }

    just search ( ctrl+f ) for example “#header” and add the code inside the brackets { } as shown in the code i wrote.

    Simple enough?

    Thread Starter RinatisDinoro


    Did that, and it looks like this

    I didn’t exactly know whether to replace the entire codes between the brackets of these functions

    with what you gave me or just to add that line in the end?

    thank you a lot!!!

    at first you might wanna undo everything you did.. hopefully that is possible..

    add the value inside the brackets

    for example .. lets say you have something like this ( not that you really do.. lets just pretend )
    body {
    color: #000000
    font-family: Arial;
    background: #ffffff;

    So what you would want to do is copy the code i wrote about “body” and replace it like so

    body {
    color: #000000
    font-family: Arial;
    background: url(https://rockstartemplate.com/headerdesign/header%20background.jpg) repeat-x top left

    do not remove or replace anything else except the code strips i wrote inside the brackets { }.

    Thread Starter RinatisDinoro


    Yes, I did do that. My website looks the same (i am ok with headers color :D)

    here are my changes to what you suggested



    Alright for me it looks ok now. You might wanna try and clear your browser cache.

    wrote instructions in here for final code editing:

    Theres was apparently semicolon missing at the end of one line which is my bad.

    That should do it.

    Thread Starter RinatisDinoro


    Thanks, that worked, but I didn’t really need that. I want to make the color of the left and right parts which are not filled with anything. Here’s in a link what i need to change https://www.smartaboutthings.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/explanation.bmp

    thank you again!

    maybe you will help now

    Replace the stuff inside the brackets again

    https://wordpress.pastebin.com/XNUKU4FP (note that i misspelled “#navi” ..dont mind about it.. just replace the stuff inside the brackets and youll do fine)

    Color in the body is the background color of the whole site..

    Also i noticed that currently its showing body as Empty.. so mind posting the code for Body tag once again? i think there might be an error in there…

    Thread Starter RinatisDinoro


    Did that also, it is red ?? How to change it to gray or to an another color? ??

    sorry for being a pest

    Thread Starter RinatisDinoro


    Ok, managed to change the color now! and what if i wanna add an image? do the same as you suggested as it should work now?

    ?? this is getting more and more interresting..

    youre still missing some parts..

    code and more explanations here

    it totally depends on the way you wanna add the image.. what did you have in mind?

    Thread Starter RinatisDinoro


    No no, I realized how to change that, it took me 3 minutes ??

    now my question is another one ?? : you see the header? it is somehow not fit in with the content like 1 px or so.

    p.s – when we finish this, i must ask you wit the subscription button which isn’t working as well ??

    im not quite sure what you mean by that.. but you still wanna check that latest code i posted up there.. it has fix for the footer background as well as the gap between header and content.. just forget the body in that code as you figured it out already

    You might also wanna change this

    #navi {

    since currently it forces the menu to go in two rows .. the code above will let is stay in one row ( atleast with the current set of pages )

    Thread Starter RinatisDinoro


    The navi thing didn’t work out. here is what i mean https://www.smartaboutthings.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/explanation2.bmp

    well the last link i gave you has that margin for navi that you would have to replace with the current one to get rid of the gap between the header and the content

    the reason for white space in there at the sides of the content is because i put it there.. in my opinion it looks more or less stupid when the images and everything are right at the edge of the “box”

    so you wanna go and change this

    #content-wrap {
    padding: 0px 5px 5px 5px;

    To this

    #content-wrap {
    padding: 0px 0px 5px 0px;

    note that these work like the point of a compass, it goes clockwise

    north east south west
    0px 0px 0px 0px

    and it will move to that direction the ammount of pixels you want it to.. and in this case it will give more space to the sides of the content area.. or not.. depending on what values you put in.

    You also forgot the footer background which can be found at the last code link as well..

    or maybe you just wanted it to be like that..

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