Hi @emielb,
I am sorry, but our developers already tried this approach.
They tried to align having the same Plugin version number between the premium and Lite versions;
as well as only setting the Lite Plugin to be ‘above a version which has the false-positive security flag’;
but unfortunately, then we had new issues due to that and they reverted it back to the Lite Version having a different/older version number.
Please refer to this Post which we pinned on the Support Section, it explains everything in details.
Our developers are doing their best to think of any possible solution, which will be implemented as soon as possible.
We just can’t advise on an ETA at this time, but we can guarantee that there is nothing to worry about for any Lite users.
As we mentioned on that pinned Post, the Lite version never had these functionalities which are being flagged, because the Security Plugins are unable to differentiate between our Lite and Premium Plugins since they got the same ‘slug name’.
It might also be an idea if the WordFence developers could devise a way for you to exclude our Lite Plugin from being checked for SQL injection, because the free Plugin never had any SQL Tables available, and it also does not have any table editing – a similar way how you can exclude a folder or file from anti-virus software, since this is definitelly a false-positive flag.
That is just an idea, though, we are not familiar if it is possible for them to do this and we realise it is not the best solution.
In the meantime, our developers are still doing their best to devise a solution from our end, too.
Sorry once again for this inconvenience.
Kind regards.