• hello,

    I want to create a website with www.ads-software.com and not the WordPress.com. I installed the app on my iPad using the link on the www.ads-software.com page, thinking that would be for www.ads-software.com but then asks me to log in with WordPress.com. Is it possible to do it with .org on the app on the iPad or only through the download program on the laptop?

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  • I want to create a website with www.ads-software.com and not the WordPress.com.

    www.ads-software.com develops the free WordPress software. www.ads-software.com does not host websites.

    WordPress.com is a WordPress hosting provider.

    If you don’t want to use WordPress.com’s hosting service, you have to arrange your own hosting service — and create your WordPress site from there. Here are some recommended hosting providers: https://www.ads-software.com/hosting/

    Once you have your WordPress site created at your own hosting provider, you can then enter the site address into the WordPress mobile app and use the app to manage your site on the go.


    The iPad app is primarily for WordPress.com, so for self hosted WordPress, you’ll need to work on a laptop or desktop.

    Hello there – in order to self-host the website (www.ads-software.com) and use the website through WordPress app, first you will need to get a hosting provider, create a WordPress website there and then you can use the option “Enter your existing site address” as George mentioned in the above reply to connect that site with the App.

    Thread Starter ams75


    thank you all for the clarification. I think I understood.
    now, I want to create the website in www.ads-software.com before getting a hosting provider. I will be using Hostinger after finished doing the website. But I will need time, so after researching I found that I can do that by “instaling WordPress locally on MacOS and creating the site on localhost”. I followed the instructions in this link, following method 2 using MAMP free do be able to do that.


    however, when go to test sing the site, the wordpress welcome page doesn’t appear. When I download the WordPress it does come a zip file but an alread unzipped one, but I put in exactly as the instructions mention.

    Can someone please help me figure out where is the problem? I looked into WordPress guide into doing this, but I could not follow it at all. Very tech and without enough pictures to be able to follow, by someone considerable IT ignorant.

    now I’m stuck and don’t know how to resolve this.

    Can someone please help me figure out where is the problem? I looked into WordPress guide into doing this, but I could not follow it at all. Very tech and without enough pictures to be able to follow, by someone considerable IT ignorant.

    What you’re doing here is setting up a web server, and that’s a “very tech” task! Unfortunately, no one here can test anything to help you figure out what’s happening on your local computer.

    So rather than using MAMP which has many moving parts, I’ll recommend you use WordPress.com’s Studio (https://developer.wordpress.com/studio/) OR Local (by Flywheel) (https://localwp.com/) . After you run their simple installer, both of these software appliances will give you a fresh WordPress site with a single click — no configuration needed.

    Thread Starter ams75


    Thank you George. Those alternatives to MAMP, will allow me to create a www.ads-software.com site and not a WordPress.com site, right?

    will allow me to create a www.ads-software.com site and not a WordPress.com site, right?

    Yes, it’s a www.ads-software.com site (to use the common terminology).

    But, in reality, a “www.ads-software.com site” is actually a misnomer: there’s no such thing, as www.ads-software.com NEVER hosts any user’s website (whereas when you say a WordPress.com site, we mean WordPress.com is hosting the site).

    It’s a self-hosted WordPress site — meaning you install the WordPress software on any hosting provider of your choice. Your own computer will act as your hosting provider… but you’ll later have to move your completed site to a real hosting provider to make your site available to the public.

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