Hi @generosus
the first one is the spinner that you see before the uncached content is ready.
If uncompressed the weight of that image is 3.7 kB. If it’s compressed as probably it is in your case, the weight will be lower. Take into account this is the standard spinner given by the core of WordPress. Probably, also other plugins use it, and probably the users have it in the browser cache.
I would not do it, but you can remove it by adding this custom CSS:
.eos-dyn-content{background-image:none !important}
The CSS above must run before the uncached content. You should put it inlined in the <head>.
In another case the CSS will run after the spinner is already called.
In the next version you will be able to remove it by a filter hook. At the moment you can remove it only by CSS.
The second one is the Ajax request that loads the uncached content. Without that request you can’t show the uncached content. This can’t be avoided.
https://yoursite.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php may make you think it’s backend stuff. It isn’t so. This is the standard way in WordPress for sending Ajax requests, including from the frontend.
Both from the frontend and backend you call that file to call a PHP function via Ajax.
You use the same file for both the backend and frontend. In this case, it’s used from the frontend.
This is not something that should run only on the backend and the plugin loads it also on the frontend. It loads it on the frontend to show the uncached content.
If something is not clear let me know.
Have a great day!
This reply was modified 4 months, 2 weeks ago by