• Resolved shuangmiles


    I reached out to wp engine about enabling revisions, checked the custom post types to make sure revisions were enabled . I am also using capabilities.

    Is submitting revisions only allowed for Revisor role? I have a custom role called Store Editor that allows users to edit their custom post type.

    I am also using ACF for these custom post types but i noticed even for regular posts that have no custom fields that it is missing the submit revisions.

    I have followed everything on https://publishpress.com/knowledge-base/custom-post-types-and-revisions/ but I still don’t see the revisions for the custom post type for my user role Store Editor.

    Can anyone advise what I’m missing?

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  • Thread Starter shuangmiles


    I also made sure in the capabilities section that Store Editor could revise these custom post types. I guess what I want is for Store Editor to have to submit request to revise instead of directly editing and submitting the change to the custom post type.

    Plugin Support Riza Maulana Ardiyanto


    Hi @shuangmiles

    Thanks for using PublishPress Revisions.

    Could I confirm with you that you cannot see this “New Revisions” on custom post type?

    Is it for all users including Administrator or only specific user?


    Thread Starter shuangmiles


    As an admin I can see the new revision.

    As Store Editor I cannot see it. I am also using Publisher Press Capabilities.

    I have set these 3 custom post types to be able to revise for store editor but I don’t think that is it.

    I am trying to make it so the Store Editor has to submit a revision in order to edit unless I’m misunderstanding how it works?

    I also am using ACF but I notice even for posts the revision doesn’t show for these that don’t use custom fields.

    I’m open to getting the pro if this will fix it but I want to make sure that it isn’t because of a setting I’m missing.

    Plugin Support Riza Maulana Ardiyanto


    @shuangmiles Did you check this one?

    If yes, please try to uncheck it.

    Thread Starter shuangmiles


    I did have it checked, but I just unchecked it and it didn’t fix it.

    Thread Starter shuangmiles


    I also unchecked it for Revision Submission tab as well

    Thread Starter shuangmiles


    I only see New Revisions for admin, for Store Editor it should be the only option for editing

    Thread Starter shuangmiles


    These are the settings I have for Capabilities set up

    Thread Starter shuangmiles


    This is the revise capabilities i’ve checked for Store Editor

    Plugin Support Riza Maulana Ardiyanto


    @shuangmiles I was wondering if this issue only occurs with custom post types. Could you please try it on a regular post or page and see if the Store Editor still doesn’t see it?

    Thread Starter shuangmiles


    I enabled posts for Store Editor and it still doesn’t show so I don’t think its custom post type specific. Pages/Posts don’t use custom fields so I’m not sure either.

    Plugin Support Riza Maulana Ardiyanto


    @shuangmiles Reviewing all the configuration on your site, all has been correct and the New Revision button should showing just fine. The situation appears to be more complex and may require further troubleshooting.

    Unfortunately, asking for login details is against the guidelines of this forum (www.ads-software.com?Forum Guidelines).

    Our Pro users have the advantage of accessing our private helpdesk, allowing for direct troubleshooting on their sites.

    Considering the complexity of the issue, we recommend upgrading to the Pro version so we can address and troubleshoot it directly on your site.

    If you prefer to keep using the free version, we will need the exact steps on replicating this on fresh WordPress installation.

    Thread Starter shuangmiles


    I think we are able to get the new revision button to show up, but now the problem is the Update button that bypasses the revision shows up for the store editor is there any way to make it so they have to do a revision instead of an update?

    Plugin Support Riza Maulana Ardiyanto


    @shuangmiles You could revoke the “edit_published” capability so they cannot edit existing post/page, and only be able to create new revision.

    Thread Starter shuangmiles


    Sorry for the late reply revoking edit_published worked. My only issue is now that in capabilities even though I revoked edit others revisions it still lets users submit OTHER people’s revisions that are not the author of that post.

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