• Fabiancho


    I have seen a few people with the same issue but could not see any topics on this over here.

    1. Site health shows an error of “autoloading”: Autoloaded options are configuration settings for plugins and themes that are automatically loaded with every page load in WordPress. Having too many autoloaded options can slow down your site. Your site has 1181 autoloaded options (size: 4 MB) in the options table, which could cause your site to be slow. You can review the options being autoloaded in your database and remove any options that are no longer needed by your site.
    2. Solved(sort of). When trying to clear the database while using wp-rocket, I get a cURL error 28; this, however, seems not to show all the time—updated the connection time to 15 seconds, which solved this issue.

    Server environment question:

    1. While looking into my server cURL, I noticed that my server OS does not support any newer cURL versions, like version 8.8, which is currently working. Does WordPress work with older cURL versions, and what is the minimum recommended version?

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  • threadi


    Regarding point 1: this is a warning that was built into the core with this change: https://core.trac.www.ads-software.com/changeset/58332 – Background: the options table is used for configurations of WordPress, plugins and themes. Very large values for individual settings, which are also loaded automatically with every page load in the frontend and backend, can reduce the speed. Therefore, this warning has been added to inform users (like you) that something in your project is not quite as it should be.

    To solve this, you should check which plugins are responsible for these large values in the options table. If you can’t fix it yourself, contact the plugin developer.

    To disable the message, you can use the hook site_status_autoloaded_options_size_limit to set the limit higher. Please note that this will not improve the loading time of your website.

    Regarding point 2: If you have any questions about WP Rocket, please contact their support: https://wp-rocket.me/support/ – questions about commercial products cannot be answered here in the forum.

    Regarding point 3: WordPress itself does not set any minimum requirements for curl. If there is a requirement, it comes from the PHP version you are using or a plugin you are using. My recommendation would be to use at least PHP 8.1, even if WordPress (currently) also runs with PHP 7.4.

    Thread Starter Fabiancho


    Thank you, @threadi , for your explanation. Where can I find more information about which plugin is responsible for this? I would greatly appreciate any help solving this.



    At the moment, I think the only thing that helps is a direct look into the database, e.g. via phpmyadmin. There is a table called options (with a page-specific prefix such as “wp_” in front of it). The above message checks records in this table whose option_value is very large. You may be able to recognize which plugin they come from by looking directly at the entries based on their names.

    Alternatively, you could create a copy of your project, e.g. via https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/wp-staging/, and not only deactivate but also uninstall all plugins in the copy one by one and check each time whether the warning disappears in the project copy. Unfortunately, not every plugin handles the uninstallation properly and leaves data from itself in the database, which is why this method is relatively unsafe.

    Possibly optimization plugins such as https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/wp-optimize/ could also help to detect the guilty entries. I haven’t seen anything from them yet, but as the topic is relatively new at the moment, there could already be developments in this direction.

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