Course Bundle / Reports Add-on – Missing translations
We are using the dutch version of Tutor LMS. All dutch translations appear to be working correct. But since we installed the Course Bundle & Reports Add-on, we have found several locations where dutch translation are missing and the default english ones are shown.
Some examples:
– ‘Create a New Course’ button
– Mijn pakketten > ‘My bundles’ title (Should be ‘Mijn pakketten’)
-> ‘Publish’, ‘Pending’ and ‘Draft’ tabs (Should be ‘Publiceren, ‘In behandeling’, ‘Concept’)
-> ‘Price’ in the bundle card (Should be ‘Prijs’
– ‘Analytics’ (Should be ‘Rapportages’)
-> ‘Overview’ (‘Overzicht’)
-> ‘Courses’ (‘Cursussen’)
-> ‘Earning’ (‘Verdiensten’)
-> ‘Statements’ (‘Verklaringen’)
-> ‘Students’ (‘Studenten’)
-> ‘Export’ (‘Exporteren)
-> Pretty much everything on this page is not translated
– /course-bundle/ bundle page
-> ‘Bundle Overview’ (‘Pakket overzicht’)
-> ‘Total Courses’ (‘Cursussen’)
-> ‘Total Enrolled’ (‘Ingeschreven’)
-> etc
Will this be fixed in a future update? Most of our students can’t read English that well.
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