• Resolved stevevarius


    I have installed the Hummingbird plugin to my wordpress as l have 3 websites but l have one that l can make some speed tests on it so once its working fine l can order a pro version for 3 websites

    but the thing is that at the asset optimization although l have turned on all the available buttons for CSS and Javascrip still the compressions savings is showing 0.0% 

    and at the Gzip compression the HTML is not activated ,, 

    l do care about the mobile page speed at google page speed insights it was like 40 after l adjust all options its still at same point 40 or a bit more

    so l feel that the plugin is not working properly for me site

    here you can check yourself


    l have no problem to share you credentials of admin user so you can have full control to see what’s the problem.

    l have seen some tutorials on youtube and after they make the adjustment the speed goes from 40 to 65 or higher so in order to buy pro version l need to see it working for at least 1 site my self,

    if you want me to give you an administrator user please let me know,

    Thank you 

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Amin – WPMU DEV Support


    Hello @stevevarius

    I hope you are doing well today.

    Could please try to follow these troubleshooting steps and let us know how it works?
    1. Temporarily disable the hummingbird page cache and any cache on your hosting level and set development mode for cloudflare
    2. Make sure the asset optimization is enabled on hummingbird and recheck files in Assets Optimization
    3. Visit a couple of your pages in incognito or another browser where you are not logged in, that will help with generating the optimized assets and the compression level should be increased
    4. At the end you can re-enable the page cache and other caches on your hosting and cloudflare

    and at the Gzip compression the HTML is not activated ,,

    I can see you are using cloudflare please note, Cloudflare has some settings that allow you to override the page cache expiration settings, you can find them in cache settings, please refer to this document to learn more:

    If you have issues after doing the troubleshooting steps please take some screenshots of your settings and upload them to a free storage like Google Drive or Dropbox and share them here so we can investigate further.

    Kind Regards,

    Thread Starter stevevarius



    l have disabled the page cache on hummingbrid

    turned on development mode and then checked on Asset Optimization but nothing has changed

    0 assets found!

    Next, optimize your file structure by turning on compression, and moving files in order to speed up your page load times.

    Here is screen shots of cloudflare cache


    Again l suggest to share admin credentials so you can control and see what could be wrong please

    Plugin Support Amin – WPMU DEV Support


    Hello @stevevarius

    I understand the issue, 0 assets found usually happens when there is a plugin/theme conflict issue on your site, my suggestion is to try running a full conflict test, it would be better to run the test on a staging site by disabling plugins and running recheck files in hummingbird asset optimization.

    you can find more information about how to run a conflict test on this page.

    I’m afraid I could not see your shared image since I don’t have access to it, you should make sure everyone with the link can access the file, please take a look at this document to learn more:

    If you still experience issues after following the suggestion, please export your hummingbird settings and share them with us in this format:

    Please upload that file to any file-sharing service like GDrive or Dropbox and send us the download link to this email address: [email protected]
    Subject: ATTN: WPMU DEV support – wp.org

    Please send:
    – Link to your WordPress site
    – Download link to file
    – Link back to this thread for reference (https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/topic-title/)
    – Any other relevant URLs/info

    To ensure we don’t miss your email, please let us know here once you’ve submitted the form and make sure you use “ATTN: WPMU DEV support – wp.org” as the email subject.

    Kind Regards,

    Plugin Support Kris – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @stevevarius

    We haven’t heard from you in a while, I’ll go and mark this thread as resolved. If you have any additional questions or require further help, please let us know!

    Kind Regards,

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