Get Customer Paypal Name on Woo Receipt
This may be a pipe dream but hoping someone can provide some insight on possibly how to fulfill this need.
100% of our orders are processed through PayPal but we have found that some customers input their name into our site for the Woo order but sometimes their PayPal account is in another name. Be it husband, business, maiden, etc. This potentially causes a problem when we are reconciling our payments to our orders. We are a high school athletic booster club that manages 22 sports and PayPal payments are recorded into their financials automatically downloaded into Quickbooks showing the PayPal customer name. If the Woo order has a different name, sport reps often have issues matching the transactions in order to reconcile their financials.
Is there a way to retrieve the PayPal customer name and place it in the New Order email? Or is this information stored anywhere that I can use Advanced Order Export to prepare the report and include this field to help facilitate the match?
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