Thank you so much for getting back to me. I was hoping someone would step up to help. I am primarily a libreoffice user, but have no problem with excel, number, sheets or anything else. You gave me a tip and I looked at the file in a raw text file and the mobile phone field is gibberish. Here is a user record as text. The phone number from the css file is in bold.
“Coker University”,”Abbie McCants”,McCants,Abbie,Abbie,[email protected],0303-2929-37373737,”a:1:{i:0;s:6:””Female””;}”,Junior
From her user profile, her input was – 8433259652.
So, somehow when I do the export the 8433259652 turns into 0303-2929-37373737.
I also do not know where the “” marks are coming from in some strings or while the string female comes out as a:1:{i:0;s:6:””Female””;}”
Bottom line, I do not thing the issue is when I open the csv file and do the mapping of the column formats. Rather, I think it has something to do with the plugin or how I have the meta tag field formatted or something.
Thanks for any insight at all.