• Resolved kazerniel


    To my surprise I received a monthly stats report today. I’ve been using the Burst plugin for many months and wasn’t subscribed to these.

    When I went to the settings to turn it off as per the email’s instructions, that part of the menu is missing, and instead shows the following error message: “not found field type email_reportsnot found field type logo_editor”

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Rogier Lankhorst


    @kazerniel Thanks for reporting your issue. The statistics report that your website can send you is a new feature in the plugin, which is why you didn’t receive it before. It sounds like the javascript in your dashboard is not updated yet, can this be cached in your browser perhaps?

    Please try to log in in a private window, to see if that resolves the issue.

    I’ve just tried this with a fresh install from the repository, and the email settings field works fine there.

    Thread Starter kazerniel


    Sorry for the delayed response.

    I’ve tried logging in in a private window, tried force-reloading my browser cache, tried purging WP Optimize’s minified cache (in case it somehow affects the admin dashboard), even tried logging in via Ungoogled Chromium (I normally use Firefox), but none of them changed the error message.

    Plugin Author Hessel de Jong


    Hi @kazerniel,

    Could you please delete and re-install Burst? There might be some files that we’re not updated correctly. Make sure you don’t delete your data in the pop-up when deactivating.

    As we don’t have any other reports of this issue, it seems like there must be some files missing.

    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter kazerniel


    Thank you, this fixed it ??

    Plugin Author Hessel de Jong


    Great to hear! Hope you will enjoy using Burst ??



    it doesn’t work for me with the mails. I clicked on the current version of the plugin, but nothing comes up.

    Plugin Author Hessel de Jong


    Hi @mindkicks,

    Could you try installing: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/wp-mail-logging/ to check if the emails are being sent by WordPress.

    Also do the WordPress emails work? Like the password forgotten email?

    Kind regards,

    Plugin Author Hessel de Jong


    Hi @mindkicks,

    I’m not sure if I even understood you correctly, does the email sending not work or can you not edit the settings?

    If it is the settings, make sure you are on the latest WordPress version and if that does not solve the issue I would recommend re-installing Burst.

    If that does not work, please send me an email support[at]burst-statistics.com and I’ll help you solve the issue.

    Kind regards,

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