• Hello Friends,
    Reletively new to WordPress. I have re-located my WP website to a new sever where it will reside.
    However I cannot login. I am using the following in my browswer address bar: https://shawneeki.com/wp-login.php. All I get is a prompt saying: “The requested URL /wp-login.php was not found on this server.”

    If anyone has any ideas, I would be very grateful hearing from you. Many thanks in advance. I created the site here: https://greenleefgraphics.ca/test1/


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  • There’s no WordPress install at https://shawneeki.com

    Thread Starter David_1


    Hi esmi,

    That is what I mean, for some reason the login doesn’t pop up.

    The login wouldn’t be part of the data base would it?
    I know that somewhere in the WP site I do have to change something to reflect the new server, but where I do not know.

    I guess I am asking a couple of questions here. If anyone has any ideas, I would be grateful hearing from you.

    Thank you for your time and effort. They are very much appreciated!


    yep there is no wordpress installed at that address just some html files

    Thread Starter David_1


    Hi Silvercrow,

    Thank you for checking that for me. [What tells you that just looking through the HTML code or..?]

    I know they just signed up with GoDaddy this afternoon, perhaps it hasn’t switch over to the GoDaddy server just yet.

    It may still be pointing to their old server.

    Any ideas on how I would instal the database on GoDaddy server? They do not use Cpanel so I am lost in trying to figure this one out. Any ideas or tips, I would greatly appreciate them

    Thank you to all who can lend a hand.

    There does appear to be a WP install at https://shawneeki.com/wp/, but I get “Error establishing a database connection”.

    • Have you set up a DB at GoDaddy?
    • Did you restore your backed-up DB into it?
    • Did you make all necessary changes to wp-config.php?

    I tried this

    …and nothing
    and as you can see your website links end with .html
    and the images of your theme are in the folder tempimagesfiledirectory/

    if your sql isnt too big you might be able to upload it with their cpanel alike thingy. Good luck

    Thread Starter David_1


    Thank you hedronist & silvercrow.

    I really do appreciate your effort and time helping me.
    I have set up a database at GoDaddy.
    Also, all the files are on the server save one. The MySQL database.
    I just found out that they do offer a Cpanel. Tutorial says to hit:
    https://ipaddress:2087/ […] .
    I put the IP address where they have the double brackets, but no go. Actualy I tried a few variables but still nothing. Any idea’s?

    You know I recall reading somewhere that I had to change something in the wp-config.php. But for the life of me I can’t recal where I saw that tutorial. I will take a look for it though! Thank you for advising me guys. I really appreciate it!


    When you say the MySQL database is not on the server, what does that mean? That you didn’t make a copy before you moved the site? Or that you have the .sql file but haven’t set up the database yet?

    If you still need help, contact me at [email protected]. I’m willing to take a look at your GoDaddy directory, but that means usernames and passwords, which are not what you want to post on a public forum.

    Thread Starter David_1


    Hi Hedronist,

    When I mentioend the MySQL I was saying that I had all of the WP files on the GoDaddy server, but had not uploaded the database as yet. I realize that this could be an issue. To be hoest though I always thought of the database as being the container (if you will), for the Blogs and replies. I supposee there may be more in there than that. I know I have to do something with the my_admin.php but haven’t gotten to that just yet. That is probably a big part of why I cannot login.
    I do have that URL to set up the Cpanel, but cannot locate the site as yet. I am almost thinking that the IP is not pointing to the GoDaddy server just yet. Shawneeki made a server switch a few hours ago so I am almost thinking that the new IP hasn’t taken effect.

    Thank you for your kind offer of taking a look through the GoDaddy directory Hedronist. I may take you up on that. That was a very kiind offer. Thank you and thank you to everyone who lent a hand. Very much appreciated!

    You definitely need your DB installed before anything can happen. It contains way more than just your posts/pages.

    David and I just got off a *long* phone call.

    Short version: the guy who set things up didn’t cut the DNS over to the new hosting account so David’s been looking at a completely different system than the one serving the domain. And that’s why it all didn’t make much sense.

    Thread Starter David_1


    Thanks again for your time and assistance Hedronist.
    I am writing to the client to bring him up to speed on things. Hopefully we can get things pointing in the right direction real soon!

    Thanks again Hedronist, and thanks to everyone for your help!


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